Chapter Three

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The first week of school went by surprisingly fast and wasn't that bad, except for the whole locker room incident. I haven't told anyone about that, and I don't plan on it either. That's a lie. I'll probably end up telling Zayn and Gigi.

I'm now in first period, which is where all the interesting stuff happens. My other classes are pretty chill except for second period, which is English. I hate that class. It's also not fair that I only have one class with Zayn, which is third period.

Mr. Mattisson is currently passing out papers that have "Project" written in bold letters at the top. Once I get my paper, I sigh loudly, which I'm pretty sure the whole class is doing right now. It's only the second week of school, and we already have a project in this class.

"Yes, I know you all are probably thinking, 'Why is Mr. Mattisson giving us a project in the second week of school?'" Mr. Mattisson says while going back to the front of the class. He's right; we're all thinking that. "Well, this project is pretty long, so you have three weeks to do it, and you will be partnered up."

That's just great. I'm the type of person who works well by myself rather than in a group because then I can make everything how I want it without being bossy or doing all the work.

"Your partner will be the person who is sitting next to you."

I sigh in relief since no one is sitting beside me today because Harry didn't show up.

"Louis," Mr. Mattisson calls out. "Since no one is beside you, you can just join another group." As soon as Mr. Mattisson finishes his sentence, there's a knock at the door. A student opens the door, revealing Harry Styles standing in the doorway.

"Late again, I see," Mr. Mattisson responds to Harry's presence. "I just passed out a project that will be done in pairs. Since you're late and Mr. Tomlinson does not have a partner, you can be with him."

"You have got to be kidding me," I whisper to myself. This can't be happening. I was fine with just admiring him from a distance, but now I have to actually speak to him and interact with him.

Harry makes his way to his normal seat, placing his bookbag down. He pulls out his notebook, which, from what I've seen, has no notes in it whatsoever, and turns to a clean page. "Yeah, so uh, you're doing the project by yourself because I have football," he says, not even looking at me, and just begins scribbling in his notebook.

I take a look at the paper and scan over it. There are a lot of words and bullet points. After reading over it, I decide I'm not doing it by myself. Usually, I wouldn't be mad about doing it alone, but the fact is that this project is super long, and we only have three weeks to do it.

"Ummm, okay," is all I can manage to get out, which is not what I had in mind to say. In my head, I had a whole speech about how I was not doing it by myself and why he was going to help me and at least put some effort into it instead of being a lazy piece of shit.

"All right, cool."

Well, shit, looks like I have a project to do.


The day flew by pretty fast, and now I'm at cheer practice. I've gotten to know everyone on the team a little, and everyone's sweet except for Eleanor. No, it's not because I'm jealous. It's just that she gets on my nerves. Okay, maybe there's a little bit of jealousy, but also she acts like she is better than everyone else just because she is co-captain, like she's not even that good.

Gigi has been working with us a lot today, and she says she will continue to do so because we need to be ready for Friday. Friday is our first home game, and we have to show out since our team won states last year, so we have a reputation to keep up.

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