Chapter One

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Welp, it's senior year. Fuck me. You know what's even more of a "fuck me"? I'm going to be at a new school, which means new people, new teachers, and a new environment. It's a fairly new school, and apparently, it's filled with rich snobs who think they are better than everybody just because their daddy owns a country club. My best friend Zayn, who I've known since I was like twelve and went to middle school with, also goes to this school, so he has filled me in on just about everything I need to know. Maybe this will be good for me, though. Maybe, just maybe, I can finally get my first boyfriend.

I've been single since like sixth grade. I dated this girl named Karissa who was on the cheer team. Sadly, I had to break up with her because I finally realized I was gay, which I can't believe it took me that long. She was a sweet girl, though, and was very understanding. She also wasn't surprised that I was gay, which I wasn't either, like, come on.

We moved to this new house because my mom and dad got a divorce, and my mom said she needed a "fresh start." I haven't fully unpacked quite yet, so there are still a few boxes here and there with random stuff in them scattered around my room. I did, however, have time to hang up my posters on the wall and my little fairy lights.

"Good morning, San Francisco! Make sure you pull out your tank tops because we got highs in the nineties for you today."

I turn off my alarm clock and then slowly make my way out of bed. I walk over to the poster of my husbands and say good morning to them. "Good morning, Luke, good morning, Ashton, good morning, Calum, and good morning, Michael." I turn on my lamp to give light to my room so I can see and I'm not in complete darkness. I go over to my dresser drawer and take out a red T-shirt with the words "Tommy Jean" written in big yellow letters across the shirt. I pair it with some ripped blue jeans and black high-top Converses. I tuck in my shirt and go through my jewelry box to pick out a small chain.

I head downstairs, grab a bagel, say goodbye to my mom and sisters, and I'm out the door. "Today's going to be a good day," I say to myself, trying not to let my anxiety get the best of me.


I pull up to the school and see crowds of kids standing around, waiting for the bell to ring. How the fuck am I supposed to find Zayn in this shithole? I get out of the car and make my way to where all the kids are.

"Louis!" I hear a voice yell from behind me. I turn around to see Zayn running toward me with his skateboard in his right hand and his phone in his left. He runs up to where I'm standing and tries to catch his breath. "I need to work out or something," he says while panting. He's clearly being overdramatic, but when is he not?

"I haven't seen you in forever, man," Zayn says in between each breath. He sets his skateboard down and pulls me into a tight embrace.

"You came to my house last week," I say while letting go of his tight grip.

"Exactly! It's been forever," he says, groaning. "So what are your first thoughts on the school?"

"It's bigger than my old school, a lot nicer too, and a lot more kids." I look around to take in the view of what looks like hundreds of kids standing around with their Gucci backpacks and Louis Vuitton purses. God, everyone's so rich here it makes me sick.

The school is made up of red brick and has three stories. It's huge, to say the least. Kids are sitting on the stairs and the railings, some are sitting on the benches, and then there are kids just standing around. I'm so not going to fit in here.

The bell rings, and everyone is headed off to their first period. My first class of the day is American History. I'm not a huge fan, but it's definitely better than math. God, do I suck at math.

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