3. Doctor Who Fan Discussion Page

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    **numberonetragedy has entered the chat room**
   **(Your name here) has entered the chatroom**
    Hello, fellow whovians! - Me (numberonetragedy.)
    Hello! - Whovians
    This, my dear (Your name here), is where us whovians can interact with each other, besides Time Lord Academy and Fangirling University on Pinterest. - Me
           (Comment Here from you) - (Your Name here)
      Brilliant! - Whovians
       *Starts singing* DO WEEEE DO WE DO DO WEEEEEEEEE! - Me
       *Starts singin along* DO WEEEEEEEE! - Whovians
       Come on, (Your name here)! Sing with us! - Whovians
       (Comment here) - (Your name here)
      **The_Doctor has entered the chat room**
         OH MY GOD! - Everyone
         Fantastic! - The_Doctor
         Hi, Ten! - Me
         Hello, Andy! - The_Doctor
        (Comment here) - (Your name here)
        Hi, (Your name here.) - The_Doctor
       (Comment here) - (Your name here)
        Hi, Doctor! - Whovians
        Shut up. - Me
        We didn't say anything...- Whovians
        Yeah...okay. Come on, (Your name here) Allons-y! - Me
        *Rolls eyes* - The_Doctor
     **numberonetragedy has left the chat room**
     **(Your name here) has left the chat room**

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