YEAR I | The Forgotten

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Normally going to Hogwarts would be a joyous occasion, but for Rylee Davis it was dreadful. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying and bruises painted themselves upon her body. Her clothes were disheveled and sadness and pain reeked from her.

Her condition only worsened as she followed behind her best friend, Severus Snape, and his crush, Lily Evans. For the past couple of years, Severus practically ignored Rylie's existence, as if their 8 years of friendship meant nothing to him. In addition to this, Lily Evans for some odd reason hated her guts. She was always insulting her when Severus wasn't around and would bully her to the point of starving herself from insecurity. Rylie never hated her though, she knew that Lily was jealous of her and Severus's friendship which died the day that Lily came into their lives.

That was why Rylie never hated her. Rylie understood things that children should not understand. She understood why adults acted the way they did, she understood the ways of the ministry and why they did such things even when she didn't agree. She understood the world in many ways and if she told others she would be seen as a lunatic.

Knowledge is what she yearned for. Further understanding of how the world worked, on what was in it. That's why she rarely fought back, that's why she rarely ever got mad. The only way to escape the madness of reality was to bury herself in books, that's when she starts to slip away from reality, from the pain.

Her timid state flinched as she heard the door in front of her slam shut. Rylie looked up from her view of the floor to where the sound came from. There were three boys in the compartment, two were laughing and the third one was reading. In the distance of the train, she could see the silhouettes of Lily and Severus walking away feverishly. Knowing that she did not want to join the two she opted to sit beside the three, who were now four boys. Timidly she knocked on the compartment door with her books in hand. The two laughing boys ceased their laughing, the boy reading a book looked up and the news addition stopped eating the candy in his hand and shifted his attention to the girl.

"C-Can I s-sit h-here?" She stutters, not used to social interaction.

The boys smiled widely and ushered her into the compartment, settling her between the boy who was reading and the boy who was eating.

"Hello darling, what's your name?" The boy with hair to his shoulder asked her. The other boys waited in anticipation of her answer.

"I-I'm Rylie Davis." She responded with a small smile.

"Well Ry, I'm Sirius Black. The boy with the glasses is James Potter. The one who's eating is Peter Pettigrew and the one who was snogging with his book is Remus Lupin." Hearing the end of the statement Remus scowled.

"I am not snogging my book!" He snarked.

"Whatever you say, Remmy," Sirius smirked, causing the other two boys to snicker while Rylie giggles softly.

The atmosphere in the compartment was warm, something that Rylie yearned for, the past 3 years. During the ride to Hogwarts Rylie knew these boys were going to become special to her. She knew that they would change her life forever. They talked and talked, they ate and ate, and they shared parts of their lives.

"Wait, your friends with Snivellus!?" James exclaimed dramatically, his arms waving in the air with Sirius's as well. Remus just looks at the two unamused and Peter looked intrigued at the young girl who giggled softly at their response not reacting badly to the strange name that they called him.

"It's Severus, and no I said I was friends with him. He's ignored me for the past 3 years so I would say that we are not friends anymore." She explained sadly, her eyes watering at her words.

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