Chapter Seven

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The original novel had never explained where the demons had come from, so I just assumed that they spawned naturally. But now, staring at the charred pages, I knew why; the origin of their existence in the story was a plot hole. I could only assume that thousands of soldiers were killed and that millions had to be spent to fix all the damage they caused, so why would the imperial family risk the lives of their soldiers and their own territory by summoning them. Even more so, why would Sawyer fight them in such a dangerous manner when he could easily control them. I tried plotting it out in my head, but I couldn't make sense of it. I pulled the book closer to my face, hoping it would help my comprehension. As I did, faint markings on the paper started to come into focus, but the dim lighting of the third floor wasn't enough to make the writing clear. My interest piqued, and I hurried across the floor and down the stairwell. The lamp-lit desks on the first floor would hopefully be bright enough. If I picked one in the back corner, I wouldn't need to draw any more attention to myself.

When I hopped off the last stair onto the first floor, my head turned up to find a desk, but instead, all I found was Sawyer and Ryia's eyes staring at me. Unfortunately, a smile spread across Ryia's face, letting me know that she had noticed me. I quickly darted behind the nearest bookshelf, listening as her clicking steps and the thumping of Sawyer's boot grew louder and louder. If it had been just Ryia, I wouldn't need to worry, but if Sawyer saw such a book in my hand...

"Oh, there you are!" Ryia said as she entered the aisle I had attempted to hide in. I jumped around at the sound of her voice coming up behind me. One hand shook as it held the thin book behind my back and the other waved to her.

"We were confused when you suddenly hid from us!" She laughed lightly.

Sawyer stepped up behind her, "were you able to find what you were looking for?"

The way he looked down at me made it seem like he knew that the book I held had information that could be damming for him.

"Oh, um, yes, I was. I was able to find what I wanted. Thank you for allowing me to come here today. How was your tea?" I asked him a question in return, hoping to divert his inquisitive attention.

"It was very enjoyable, but much to my dismay, we had to return early."

"Yes, it is my fault. The sun was very draining for me, and I needed to come inside to rest," Ryia added apologetically.

"If that is the case, would you like to return to the room now?" I asked her.

"Yes, that would be very nice. Sawyer, could you please show us the way back?"

Sawyer nodded his head and the two began to turn around. In the moment of their absence, I took out the book and flipped through it. Pausing at the page on the Pythias Gem, I tore it out and folded it up.

"June?" I could hear Ryia remark from a short distance. I pushed the piece of paper into the top of my dress and haphazardly stuffed the book into the first open spot I saw. Before either of them had the chance to return and see me, I scampered out onto the open floor and caught up to them as they started their walk back.


"Ryia, would you allow me the pleasure of accompanying me later tonight for diner?" Sawyer asked Ryia as we turned a corner into a hall lit by massive, arched windows. The light that poured in was so bright that it became clear why Ryia grew tired in the midday heat. My eyes kept switching from the scenery outside to the chestnut hair cascading down Ryia's back, where light kept catching on individual strands and highlighting them.

"Yes, thank you for the invitation, your highness," Ryia responded with a polite smile, "if it isn't too much trouble, would Lady June be able to join us?"

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