Chapter Twelve

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This chapter was brought to you by Grammarly, who I had to fight over the difference between who and whom for several hours before posting.

My pale, blonde hair sparkled in the midday sun as I waited outside with Ryia. I toyed with the end of the loose French braid that, against my better judgment, I'd asked Ryia to tie up with the pale blue ribbon. She hadn't given me the side eye I'd anticipated when I asked her to add it, which I was thankful for. She'd probably been too anxious to comment on it this morning and given the way she swung the picnic basket between her hands as we waited, her nerves hadn't seemed to ease up at all.

When the carriage finally pulled around, and the two men stepped out, it was clear Ryia wasn't the only nervous one. After nearly tripping when getting out, Lawrence quickly bowed before he and Oliver greeted us. With a quick exchange, Lawrence scooped the picnic basket out of Ryia's hands before she could protest. Without the basket to busy her hands, Ryia turned to fiddling with the fabric of her lilac skirt instead as she directed us through the perfectly manicured gardens and towards the back corner of the estate where the pond was situated among meadows and willow trees.

As Ryia and Lawrence pulled ahead, making pleasant small talk about some noble drama I knew nothing about, Oliver fell into place beside me, strolling casually with his hands in his pockets. As we walked in awkward silence, he looked me over, and his eyes sparked when he noticed the end of my braid, making me quickly flip it back and off my shoulder.

"That's a really pretty hair ribbon you got there, June." He intentionally spoke loud enough to make sure that both Ryia and Lawrence could hear.

"Thank you," I replied sweetly, keeping my face forward and unbothered as I walked.

"It's a really beautiful color, looks absolutely stunning on you, really compliments your eyes." I may have blushed if I hadn't known better. It was just a ploy to get under my skin, and much to my frustration, it was working.

"Thank you again, and yes, the color is very pretty."

"Where'd you get it, it's so stylish. You must have such good taste if you were the one who chose it."

"I got it as a gift, and yes, it is very stylish," I said through gritted teeth. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his smug grin. I flashed him a fake smile that screamed I'm going to kill you, but his grin only broadened in return. I took in a deep, calming breath, thinking only zen thoughts that did not involve tripping him.

In front of us, I could hear Ryia leaning over and whispering to Lawrence, "I never knew Oliver was so enthusiastic about hair accessories." I nearly snorted at the genuine questioning in her voice.

"Neither did I," Lawrence shrugged, just as confused by Oliver's antics as she was, "who knows, he's been acting weirder than usual lately." Lawrence looked over his shoulder and smirked, taunting Oliver. As I tried to pass my laugh off as a cough, Oliver scowled at me. I raised my eyebrows at him, saying I mean, he's not wrong.

The sun was beating down on us by the time we made it to the pond, and the only reprieve from its heat was the slight shadows cast by the willow tree we sat under. The grass around us was a pale green, speckled with short, white wildflowers that a few creamed-colored butterflies flitted between. It was serene, a stark contrast to the last time we'd hung out as a group at the ball.

Everything was going perfectly, minus the sour face Ryia made when she had to put out the food that she hadn't been able to make on her own. She'd practically begged me not to tell the boys that she wasn't exactly a stellar chef. Though I had agreed to keep it a secret, Oliver would most definitely know about it by the end of the day. I figured it was important that he remain up to date on any potential threats to Lawrence's well-being, at least that was the excuse I was going with. I couldn't have told you exactly what we managed to talk about, or how long we were there, but I did know that seeing everyone smiling and laughing made me the happiest I'd been since coming here. After all the food was gone and conversation slowed, Ryia asked if anyone wanted to walk the path that threaded through the meadows, which Lawrence immediately agreed to.

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