Chapter 9 A Necklace and Lies

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Luna POV:

Currently I was sitting at the bar between Klaus and Rebekah waiting for Gloria to finish her locator spell. It was about an hour after we left the boutique and I've been half-asleep the whole time.

"You left us." Rebekah stated sadly as Stefan walked through the front entrance.

"Yeah, retail therapy was a nightmare." Stefan shrugged.

"Tell me about it." Klaus whispered.

"What's she doing?" Stefan asked.

"Failing." Klaus sighed.

"It's hard to look for something when you have nothing to go off of." Gloria snapped. I looked up at Gloria.

"Can't you use Rebekah? She wore it for like million years." I groaned. Klaus looked over to me then to Gloria.

"See this one offers a solution." Gloria smirked. Rebekah got off her stool and walked over to Gloria.

"Ok, sit here and give ne your hands." Gloria told Rebekah, Rebekah complied and Gloria started chanting a spell. After a few minutes she dropped Rebekah's hands.

"I found it." Gloria says.

"Well where is it?" Klaus demands.

"It didn't work like that I get glimpses. I saw a girl and her friends hanging out." Gloria told us sternly.

"Yes, a very dead girl with very dead friends if I don't get my necklace back!" Rebekah snarled.

"I'll need to dive back in to get more details." The witch added.

"So dive." Klaus said.

"I need more time." Gloria told him, but Klaus just leaned over the tables threateningly.

"And space, you'll harsh my juju." Gloria stated.

"We can wait." Klaus stated.

"That's not what I've asked." Gloria stared.
Klaus was about to say something but Stefan budded in.

"Hey it's okay, Im hungry anyways, I'll let you choose who we eat." Stefan offered.

"Fine, it better be done when we get back." Klaus told Gloria as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bar.

"What?" I glared. Klaus just smirked.

"Somebody's mad." He taunted.

"Yes, somebody is. Now what the hell do you want?" I growled not happy at all today. If I was back in Mystic Falls my dad and I would be celebrating my mothers birthday even though she isn't here with us.

"I want to know why your knickers are in a twist. So why are you all upset?" Klaus asked.

"Maybe because I don't want to be here, or watch the 3 of you kill people, or feed on people, or terrorize people." I glared.

"We'll love, you could always turn around." Klaus suggested, so I turned around and was about ti walk away but he sped in-front of me.

"Now where do you think you're going hmm?" Klaus smirked.

"You said turn away, so I did, I don't want to be here." I glared. Klaus looked at me for a moment.

"The last time I did this it didn't end up well, but since you won't tell me-" Klaus put his hands on the side of my head to do a head dive.

Maria's birthday
Luna is currently 7

3rd person POV:

"Dad! Dad! Get the cake!" Luna whisper yelled to Alaric.

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