New neighbor

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Hey! So just wanted to let you all know that both Y/N and camilo are both 15 in this story, so if you were looking for sexual content, it ain't here, anyways, enjoy the story!


Also i dont know that much spanish so i will be relying on google translate, so there might be some mistakes


Today was moving day for my family, me, my sister Vanessa, my mom Cecilia and my dad Hernando all got in the truck and began to drive, i must have fallen asleep since the next thing i remember, we were already there!

Me and my family were moving to a quaint little village out west, my parents said it was filled with some amazing people! Also a family called the madrigals? I dont know, anyway! Were here!

I woke up as we were pulling up to our new house, we all stepped out of the truck and stepped inside, some people from the village helped us move in.

"The people are so nice here!" Vanessa said.

"Yeah" I agreed.

After we got most of our stuff in the house it was nighttime, we all went to our new rooms and went to sleep.

I awoke to my parents knocking on my door.

"Y/N? Are you up?" Mom asked.

"I am now" I grumbled.

She walked in and set down next to me on my bed.

"So since we're new here some people have invited us over for lunch! You know the family i told you about? The Madrigals?" She asked.

"Yeah i remember" I said, still half asleep.

Mamà chuckled a bit.

"Go get you a cup of coffee to wake up mi hijo" she said.

I got up out of bed and went to make myself some coffee, Vanessa was on the floor coloring and my dad was hanging up pictures.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door and my mom went to answer it, on the other side was a girl wearing a VERY colorful dress, big glasses and a giant smile plastered on her face, and a little boy about Vanessa's age, wearing a lot of orange for some reason, holding the older girls hand.

"Hi! My name is Mirabel Madrigal, this is my cousin Antonio, we're your new neighbors!" Mirabel explained.

"Oh of course! Your part of the Madrigals! Nice to meet you I am Cecilia! And here is the rest of my family, Hernando!, Y/N!, Vanessa! Come meet our new neighbors!" Mama called out.

Me, Vanessa and papa all walked over to the door to greet them.

"Hi!" Vanessa said to Antonio.

"Do you guys want to go play?" Mirabel asked.

"Yeah! You can meet all my animal friends!" Antonio said.

"Mama? Can i go play?" Vanessa asked.

"Of course!" Mama replied.

Antonio and Vanessa ran off and Papa invited Mirabel inside.

"You havent done much, do you want me to help you decorate?" Mirabel asked.

"Oh no you dont have to do that" Mama said.

"No no its my pleasure, since i dont have a gift its something i like to do to help out around here!" Mirabel explained.

"A gift?" I asked.

"Mhm! Each member of my family gets gift when we turn 5 years old, and I didnt get one unfortunately" Mirabel explained.

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