Asking him out

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Camilo grabbed my hand and we walked over to the Madrigals house, we went into the kitchen and saw Mirabel and Julietta talking.

"Tia Julietta?" Camilo asked.
"We need some arepas"

"Coming right up!" Julietta said.

Julietta started on the arepas and Mirabel walked over to us.

"So what have you been up to?" Mirabel asked.

"Oh nothing..." I said.

"I got to decorate his hair, see?" Camilo asked, plucking a flower from my hair.

"Hey! Stop that!" I said.

"No!" Camilo said, picking another one.
"Aww that was the last one"

"Ha!" I said.

"Alright here you go" Julietta said.

I took a bite and instantly felt relaxed, the pain from falling went away!

"Alright well Im gonna go get cleaned up, I'll see you later!" I said.

"Bye Y/N!" Camilo said.

"Adios" Mirabel said.

|Camilo's POV|

Y/N left and I began to walk to my room.

"You like him dont you?" Mirabel asked.

"What? Nooo" I said.
"Y/N's just a friend"

"Oh please ive seen the way you look at him, your probably just embarrased and dont want to admit it to your cousin, or your sister probably listening right now" Mirabel said.

"Guilty" Dolores said as she walked by.

Damn it, Mirabel was catching on, I mean I know ive been staring at him but was it this obvious?

"I dont like Y/N, and even if I did what would it matter?" I asked.

"It wouldnt" Mirabel said.
"But if you do like him, you should tell him, I can guarantee you wont be disappointed"

Mirabel walked away and I went up to my room, just as I was about to grab the door handle I made a decision, I walked over to isabelas room and opened the door.

"Isa?" I asked.
"Isaaaaa.... I need you help.... its your favorite cousin! Camilo!"

"First of all, my favorite cousin is Dolores, you are Luisa's favorite, second, what do you need?" Isabela said, floating down from the roof on her bed attatched to vines.

"Thanks, anyways! I uhh.... need your help.... you know Y/N? from dinner a little while ago?" I asked.

"Yeah, hes the one tio Bruno EMBARRASED me in front of, why?" Isabela asked.

"I uhh.... I was thinking of asking him out? And.... I need your help" I said awkwardly.

Isabela gasped and all of a sudden vines wrapped around me, pulled me over to her bed and she grabbed my hands excitedly.

"YOUR ASKING SOMEONE OUT?!" Isabela screamed.

"Not so loud! And yes, can you let go of me?" I asked.

"No" Isabela said pulling me in for a hug.

I shapeshifted into Antonio and slipped through her arms and jumped off her bed, then shifted back to myself.

"Anyways.... help?" I asked.

"Fine, where do you want to ask him?" Isabela asked.

"Uhhh I dont know, I dont really have any special place" I said.

"Where did you 2 meet then?" Isabela asked.

"In front of the casita" I replied.

"Then thats where you'll do it!" Isabela asked.
"Now lets go decorate"

"Alright, Dolores since your probably listening you can help too" I said.

"YAY!" I hear Dolores shout.

"Just... dont tell Mirabel" I said.

All of a sudden Mirabel burst through the door.

"YOUR ASKING OUT Y/N?!" Mirabel asked.

"DOLORES!" I yelled.

"But I thought you 2 were 'just friends'" Mirabel mocked.

I rolled my eyes and me, Isabela, Dolores, and Mirabel went outside to the front of the casita and started decorating, Isabela used her powers and grew flowers all over the front of the casita, Dolores and Mirabel cleaned up the area and helped Isabela organize all the flowers.

"Its not like im proposing to him, you dont need to make a big deal out of this" I said.

"Yes we do! You've never asked someone out before!" Mirabel said.
"Ok I think its done!"

|Y/N's POV|

I went home and took a quick shower to clean up, then laid down on my bed and decided to read a book, halfway through the chapter I was reading I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said.

The door opened and Vanessa walked in.

"Y/N? Camilo wants to see you, he has a suprise for you" Vanessa said.

|Vanessa's POV|

I was playing with Antonio when I saw Camilo, Mirabel, Dolores and Isabela decorating.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Camilos going to ask Y/N out on a date" Mirabel said.

"Mirabel!" Camilo yelled.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"I think we're almost done so can you go get Y/N?" Isabela asked.

"Ok!" I said.

|Camilo's POV|

Vanessa went to go Y/N and the others went to hide so they could watch.

"I can do this" I whispered to myself.

|Y/N's POV|

I followed Vanessa outside and she led me over to the casita, all of a sudden she jumped into some bushes and stuck a hand out, pointing over to where I was supposed to go.

I walked over to the front of the casita, for some reason it was COVERED in flowers, Camilo standing in the center.

"Hola Camilo" I said.

"Hola" Camilo said.

"So whats all this? Vanessa said you had a suprise?" I asked.

"I uhh.... I need to ask you something" Camilo said.

"Ok" I said.
"What is it?"

"I uhh.... I was wondering.... If you...." Camilo started.
"I can do this" He whispered to himself.
"Do you..... want to go out with me.... like- on a date?"


Author: heres chapter 10! Also please excuse my grammar/spelling mistakes im just dumb😂

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