The drawing pt. 2

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"Please give a warm welcome to Carlos and Wanda" Alma said gesturing to Carlos and Wanda in the crowd.

"Wait...... what?" I asked.

"Hes moving here?" Tia asked.

"How did Wanda get here if she was on a buisness trip?" Papa asked.

"Im gonna go talk to them" Mama said.

|Cecilia's POV|

I walked over to Carlos and Wanda.

"Your moving here?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry we didnt tell you, we wanted it to be a suprise" Carlos said.

"How did Wanda get here if she was on a buisness trip?" I asked.

"She was with the moving company" Carlos said.

"Oh..... well ok..... welcome to the village!" I said.

|Camilo's POV|

I ran over to Y/N and put my arms around him from behind and picked him up.

"Put me down!" Y/N laughed.

I set Y/N down and he turned around, i grabbed his hip and pulled him into a kiss.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"No reason, hey do you mind just..." I slightly backed away.
"Just stay there"

"Ok?" Y/N said.

I stood there and studied every aspect of him, his short brown hair and adorable eyes, one blue, one green.

"Camilo? You know we're already dating you dont have to admire me from a far" He walked up and put his arms around my neck.
"You can do that up close"

"I know its just..... im doing something" I said.

"Ok? Anyways did you hear? My brothers moving into town" Y/N said.

"Thats great....." I said.
"Hey im gonna go find Isabela, the party's about to end and Im working on something, sorry we cant snuggle tonight"

Y/N pouted and I gave him an apologetic look before going to find Isabela.

|Y/N's POV|

Why is Camilo acting so wierd?

I brushed it off and went up to Carlos.

"Welcome to the village I guess" I said.

"Thanks" Carlos said.

"Hey wanda" I said giving her a hug.

"Long time no see, god the last time we were all together you were like what? 8? 9? I dont know something like that" Wanda said.

"Yep!" I said.

Time skip

The next day

I woke up on my own today, no Camilo, no parents, this felt weird, what was up with Camilo yesterday? Why was he so weird? Why is it bothering me so much? Probably because he's my boyfriend and I feel like theres something hes not telling me, but what if its a good thing he doesnt tell me? But.... what if its a bad thing hes not telling me? Why am I so paranoid?!

I got up and made myself a cup of coffee, Papa was silently reading on the couch and I assume everyone else was still in bed, I went outside and saw Carlos and Wanda through their window still unpacking, Mirabel was helping of course since she loves to decorate, I went for a walk around town when I saw Camilo next to the giant tree Mirabel and I hang out sometimes, Fiddling with some papers.

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