Preparing for the Baby

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Now that the holidays were over it was time to think about the baby. Get the nursery ready.

Jocelyn was growing.  At a doctors appointment her blood pressure was a little high. Doctor did not want to put her on any medication.  He told her to not get too stressed.  Relax and try to get enough sleep. Watch her salt intake also. 

In February Joanne threw Jocelyn a baby shower. Jocelyn got most everything she needed for the baby. 

One day Roy and Johnny put the crib together.

One day at work in late February Jocelyn felt lightheaded.  Dr Brackett took Jocelyn to an exam room.  Took her BP and it was 197/150. Very high.

"Jocelyn just lie down.  I am going to have Dixie start an iv and give you some medication to bring that BP down."

"Ok Kell."

Dr Brackett called Jocelyn 's doctor. Discussed what to do about the high BP. It was decided meds and rest for now.  Dr Brackett knew Jocelyn was not going to like that.  She wanted to work as long as possible.

Dr Brackett went into the room to tell Jocelyn.  "Jocelyn it has been decided by your doctor and I that medication and rest is the best option right now."

"Oh no Kell.  I can't.  I must work."

"Jocelyn it is best. We want you to have a healthy baby and keep you healthy. "

Jocelyn was crying. "I should have thought things would not go good. Bad things are happening. "

At that point Dixie walked in with Johnny.  Johnny hurried to his wife's side. "Honey everything will be alright."

"No Johnny it won't.  I must rest now. We are being punished."

"Joc Honey no. These things just happen." Johnny took her into his arms and held her. "Doc will she have to stay in bed?"

"No just rest. No strenuous activity. That means no lifting heavy objects. Sitting as much as possible.  The baby might come early if the mother's BP is too high."

"Ok we will do what is necesary."

"Good Johnny. "

Joanne came over and spent time with Jocelyn when the guys were working.  Cooking for Jocelyn also.

Jocelyn felt helpless and fat. She was no longer excited about the baby coming.  She wanted her life back.   She wanted to be working again.  She was not a good patient,  but most doctors were not.

Her blood pressure was still high but much better than it had been.  About 2 weeks later Jocelyn went into labor.  She was alone in the middle of the night.  She called station 51.

"Hello captain Stanley speaking. "

"Hi captain this Jocelyn Gage.  May I speak to Johnny?"

"Sure let me get him."

"Johnny, Jocelyn is on the phone. "

"This can't be good in the middle of the night." Johnny said as he hurried out of bed. 

"Hi Joc.  Is something wrong?"

"Johnny I am having contractions."

"How far apart?"

"They are over an hour. "

"Ok I am coming home honey.. then we can go to the hospital. "

When he did get home the doctor told them to come right in
With her BP being high doctor wanted her monitored. 
So off they went

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