Chapter 1-10

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Yao Yu is an orphan. Growing up in an orphanage. Because of her quiet and withdrawn personality, she was often bullied by the children in the orphanage. She has always been sponsored by rich people to go to school. Yao Yu also strived to be good enough, and passed the exam and went to university. After going to college, the rich man felt that his merits and virtues were complete, and he no longer supported her. Yao Yu could only work and study at the same time.

At the end of 2012, Yao Yu was still working in a large supermarket to earn living expenses and tuition for the next semester. This was introduced by one of Yao Yu's classmates, including food and shelter. Although the salary is a bit low, it is generally good.

There are still five days before the Chinese New Year. In the afternoon, Yao Yu suddenly felt hotter and hotter and had an unbearable headache. He finally couldn't help but told the foreman to leave. The foreman saw that there were not many goods and Yao Yu had performed well in his previous work, so he waved his hand and said yes!

Yao Yu endured the headache and returned to the small warehouse where he was sleeping, and finally fainted on the bed because of the pain. Yao Yu was tormented by the fluctuating heat and cold and headaches throughout the night, and he didn't fall asleep until the early hours of the morning.

The next morning at 6:00, Yao Yu's biological clock woke up on time. I felt extremely uncomfortable, but Yao Yu didn't take it seriously and still wanted to go to work as usual. No way, Yao Yu said to himself, he was used to it.

I remember that when I was a child, I had to fight a cold and fever in an orphanage, and no one would treat them. One child even died of a high fever. In comparison, this pain is nothing.

After washing up, Yao Yu soaked the leftover rice in the rice cooker in hot water and finished breakfast with mustard. After getting dressed in front of the mirror, he was about to go to work. Yao Yu was about to lift his legs to leave but stopped when he caught a glimpse of the mirror out of the corner of his eye.

With his fingers touching his eyebrows, Yao Yu found that a swirling black pattern suddenly appeared there. The pattern was only half the size of his little fingernail, and it looked mysterious and unpredictable on Yao Yu's fair skin.

It's still pretty. Yao Yu concluded. She leaned in front of the mirror and stared at the swirl pattern that suddenly appeared today, and suddenly Yao Yu felt that he was standing in an unfamiliar place.

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Under Yao Yu's feet is a square piece of land, with a side length of about 30 meters and a total of 900 square meters. The land is black and looks extremely fertile. No crops are grown on the land. And all around it was a blanket of white. Yao Yu stopped in front of a white fog, raised his hand and touched it, but the tentacle was a texture similar to a wall.

In one corner of the space, there is a square pool with a length and width of about 2 meters and a depth of 1 meter. The water appears to be extremely clear. The bottom of the pool seemed to be dug out of a single piece of stone, and it looked like a square bathtub without a stopper.

Yao Yu raised his eyebrows calmly. Could this be the legendary portable space? ! Still the kind that can be farmed. Yao Yu suddenly thought of going to work at this time, and hurriedly looked for a way out. As soon as Yao Yu's thoughts moved, he found himself back in front of the mirror.

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