Chapter 31-40

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Yao Yu began to worry again after the surprise. Although the spiritual energy in the space has increased a lot, it is not an option to stay in the space all the time. The spiritual energy in the space will always be used up one day, so don’t you want to go out to kill zombies and get crystal cores? Besides, those zombies are so strange today that they dare not enter the mountain? ! It's like the low-level animals in the animal world dare not enter the territory of high-level animals. Looking at the scale and quality of these zombies, there are many high-level zombies, definitely more than tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. If you look down from the hill, you can't see the edge.

    If this is the case, then its level must be much higher than the yellow-eyed, or even green-eyed zombies. It seems that the zombies have evolved very quickly in the one and a half years since she was gone, and the zombie king appeared so quickly. And this place is like the corpse king's territory, and low-level zombies dare not approach. But why did the corpse king choose this place? Yao Yu's face was extremely bitter. I really want to give myself a slap in the face, but it was not good to choose a place to enter the space, but I chose this place... Really... Alas!

    Yao Yu began to think about how he could leave this hill surrounded by zombies after he finished lamenting in the space. Going into this place is not a place to stay for a long time. If one day these zombies suddenly rush up, there is no place for her to cry. She has to control the flying sword quickly!

    So Yao Yu took her knife out of the space and practiced on the mountain. In a flash, two months passed. Yao Yu's daily life consisted of practising flying swords, eating, killing zombies to get crystal cores, and practising flying swords in cycles, resting for five days and one night before continuing to practice. Whenever Yao Yu recalled this hard time later, he often burst into tears. She was so stupid back then. Unexpectedly, the corpse king was Ye Mo Tongshoe, the former younger brother's current husband. After two months of trembling in his heart, he was worried that the corpse king would suddenly come back and give her a second...

    Two months have passed, and Yao Yu's flying sword, oh no, it should be a flying knife, has been practiced to the point where it can fly seven or eight meters off the ground and circle the hill seven or eight times without any problem. Although it seems that the progress is not very big, it is already Yao Yu's best achievement. Besides, the earth's aura is almost dissipated, and Yujian flying will consume the old aura, which is really not worth it. It was different in Fengyue's continent, where there was sufficient spiritual energy, and there was no need to worry about the situation where Yu Jianyu was half of his spiritual energy exhausted. That's why she was so worried, what if the royal fell halfway down!

    Yao Yu, who was very entangled in his heart and confused in his eyes, unconsciously started to grab onto his long black hair. Mmmm, it feels pretty good to say... So what the hell am I thinking about, Soul Dan! With a snap, Yao Yu patted his head vigorously. When did Nima still feel like this, really, I can't cry without seeing the coffin!

    While spurning her own character, she turned her head to the zombie brothers who were still screaming at the foot of the mountain. Since their crystal nuclei can be completely decomposed into energy and absorbed by the space to generate aura, and not even a slag is left, doesn't this mean that the crystal nuclei are completely crystals of energy? Since they are pure energy crystals, then, she can absorb it. huh?

    Thinking of this, Yao Yu's eyes suddenly turned green when he looked at the ignorant zombies at the foot of the mountain. If this is the case for Nima, then she doesn't have to worry about the exhaustion of spiritual energy during the flight, and she can always fly out of the zombie group. So, Yao Yu looked at the bottom of the mountain, squinted and licked the corner of his lips, try it, try it, try it... in the wireless loop...

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