Chapter 41-44

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Seeing the silence all around, Yao Yu rolled her eyes with a guilty conscience. She didn't think it was so easy to drop that scourge to death without making a single fart, but...would she break an arm or leg? Oh my god QAQ! ! !

    Taishou wiped a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, Yao Yu immediately waved his fan to drive out the content of his own unscrupulous brain, after all, he is also the owner of that guy, and he doesn't dare to be rough with himself... But , Did the contract at the time of the contract have a kind of personality? How did you find that he had a kind of rush that was out of his control? Thinking that not long ago, he could only vaguely sense his position and the words that Ye Mo consciously used when Ye Mo imprisoned him with his arm, but Ye Mo did not let go of her at all... At this time Yao Yu's tender white face has no expression at all, his eyes are like a pool of stagnant water without a trace of waves, only the corners of his lips are pursed to indicate her mood at the moment, this is not a good phenomenon...

    "I'm thinking about it . What?" Yao Yu felt a figure on the ground approaching him quickly and in the blink of an eye he jumped up on her flying sword, at the same time a low magnetic voice sounded beside her, Yao Yu turned around, a man wearing a black windbreaker The stern man appeared behind her.

    "Didn't you fall to your death?" Yao Yu retreated from his indifferent expression and asked with a smile to the stern man behind him.

    "Twisted the ankle." The man replied expressionlessly, looking at Yao Yu who smiled lightly, and then as if thinking of something, the corner of his mouth twitched, and an expression stiffer than a dead man's smile twisted on that handsome face. For a while, Yao Yu's mouth twitched and he couldn't bear to look at it.

    Second Olympic! Are people not as distorted as they laugh? Are you friendly to me or are you trying to scare me to death, Soul Dan!

    Turning around stiffly, Yao Yu tried his best to control his facial expression to prevent it from developing in a distorted and scary direction, selling cake! God knows how much she wants to look like a pure crape myrtle flower instead of a fierce Rong mama... But such a stiff Ye Mo made Yao Yu breathe a sigh of relief, this is the well-behaved and sensible person she contracted with What a good zombie boy! As for those refined personalities... He covered his head with a headache, and then he gritted his teeth,

    "Grab me, I'm leaving!" Then, regardless of Ye Mo's twitching forehead, he brushed the speed of Feijian to the extreme... …May God bless you and my children, I hope you don’t qualify for the Paralympic Games when you arrive at your destination! Amen! ………… "What's the matter? Why hasn't


    Zhuang woke up? Didn't he just move his eyelids just now?" Fang Li, who had been staring at his captain in front of the bed, was three minutes later. After forty seconds, he did not see his captain wake up, and finally rushed in front of Feng Tian with red eyes, grabbed his collar and roared.

    "Please pay attention to your attitude! He is Major Feng Tian!" The tough words were loud and loud, and the powerful body blocked Feng Tian's face to stop a Roaring Emperor who was going crazy. When Fang Li was about to rush over, he was noticed by the always vigilant adjutant, so he was able to block his master's adjutant who had just returned to a normal yellow face in time, and immediately adjusted his face to the same black as the bottom of the pot. Degree... "Fang Li!" Li Jun held down Fang Li with a     sullen

    face, "Wait a little more patiently."

After I got down, I sat by the bed and observed my captain.

    "Sorry, Major, Fang Li is not very sensible for being spoiled by us. I hope you don't care if there is something rude." Li Jun calmed down the irritable little brat and turned to Feng Tiandao with a casual look.

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