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Walking through the front door to head to school Taeyong felt someone wrap their arms around him.

"Goodmorning to you too" the older said smiling looking back at Jaehyun as they made it down the street

"Can you believe we'll be graduating soon?' Jaehyun said letting him go lacing their hands together

"Actually, I can, and I can't wait goodbye high school and hello college" Taeyong said hearing a chuckle come from Jaehyun

Walking through the school gates meeting up with the others saying "Goodmorning" they talked about their weekend

"We'll see you after class for break" Jungwoo said pecking Doyoung's cheek walking down the hall with Mark and Haechan

"Have you told Jungwoo yet?" Taeil asked Doyoung taking their seats

"About what?" he asked

"How you're going to wait a year before you go to college" Taeyong said turning in his seat to face him

"Oh no I haven't" he said

"Why not?" both Taeil and Taeyong asked him

"Cause he'll tell me to go and not to waste a year" he said honestly and knowing himself he'd go if Jungwoo told him to

"We'll talk about it later" Taeyong said as class started. Everyone pulling out their homework and books for today's assignment.

Jaehyun was doing his work when he got a text making sure the teacher wasn't paying attention, he pulled it out seeing a text from his mom.

Hey sweetie I know you're in class right now, but I'm free after school today if you want to go get your gift for Taeyong alright I love you honey

He smiled at his phone feeling happy knowing that he was finally able to get Taeyong his gift that he had his eye on at the mall. Putting his phone away he went back to doing his assignment letting time pass them by until break and then lunch.

"Haechannie" Mark said meeting him outside the youngers classroom with Jungwoo so they could meet the others for lunch in their classroom.

Seeing as everyone was gathered in the center of the room Mark sat between Yuta and Johhny while Haechan sat between Taeil and Jungwoo who was next to Doyoung.

"Hey Woo, can we talk for a minute?" Doyoung quietly asked him Jungwoo gently nodding in agreement

Heading into the hall for some privacy Jungwoo leaned against the wall

"I have something to tell you" Doyoung said

"Is it bad? You're not breaking up with me are you?" Jungwoo asked worry in his tone

"No baby its not bad and no no I'm not breaking up with you" Doyoung said reassuring him

"Alright then what is it baby you know you can talk to me" Jungwoo said holding his hand

"Its about college I've decided to wait a year before I go" the older said looking up at the younger

"No Doyoung why would you do that?" the younger asked looking at him surprised

"Cause I don't want to be away from you for an entire year" he said looking down at his feet

"Doyoung you don't have to do that I'll be just fine here next year. I'll have Mark and Haechan plus I can always come visit you Do don't give up your first year of college for me" the younger said

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I am go" Jungwoo said as he pecked his lips hugging him

"How'd I get so lucky?" Doyoung said smiling up at Jungwoo

"I ask myself that question everyday come on lets go finish our lunch" the younger said walking back into the classroom to see their friends playing around.

"Jaehyun" Taeyong whined while being thrown over his shoulder then flipping him so that he was wrapped around him

"You're such a pain, but I love you" Taeyong said pecking his lips and then playfully hitting him before being placed on his feet.

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