✈╯New Home

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Dad's P.O.V
I thought once I told Adam and Abbie that we're moving, that all pressure would be lifted. I was wrong, telling them just doubled my burden, I had to makes sure they didn't run away or do anything stupid. I had to make sure I find them a good school, I had to be sure everything was perfect, and most importantly I had to make it up to Adam and Abigale.

Ever since I've told them, the house has been filled with an negative and heart broken air, the only time the air was filled with laughter and happiness was when Megan came over to drop Abbie off. She always knew how to cheer her up. This morning was so such better than yesterday, today we spoke, not as much as normal though.

The drive to the airport was pretty quiet, but I guess that's because Adam and Abbie were just on the phones while Bridget's (my wife) head was glued in front, waiting to get to the airport. We finally arrived and when through security, now we just wait for our flight to start boarding. Next thing we'll know is waking up in Nebraska.

Abbie's P.O.V
I couldn't get any sleep on the plane, 1. Because I've never been on a airplane before, 2. I've never left Megan out, 3. It's so far away, if I get homesick I'll have to wait like 10 hours before I can even get home! 4. I'm seriously stressed about 'This new beginning, new life, another chance to make things right'. All that, it's really nerve-racking.

Why does everything happen to me? My life is a pages and pages of incomplete stories leading to a sad ending. I thought to myself as I walk through the airport, it was giant, I'm honestly surprised that I haven't got lost yet. I was trailing after my family while my eyes explored the cellings and walls, I didn't even pay attention to where I was going.

I jump as I bang into something, someone "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I sympathised, and looked at the floor with my foot swurving from left to right, with my right arm on my elbow. "HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING PUNK!" he yelled causing me to flinch, I keep my eyes glued to the floor, I was so scared, I didn't know what to do.

If Megan here she'd tell him to back off, but no she ain't, I have got to look after myself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, I wasn't looking." I said, slowly lifting my head up to meet his blue eyes. "Yeah, you better be!" He spat and walked away, I ran to baggage claim, I started to tip toe and move a little to see over people's heads.

I finally found them, right next to the entrance of where the bags come out. We got our bags and drove to the new house which was like a 20 minute drive. The house wasn't anything fancy it was a normal house with a giant field in front of it and a nice little neighborhood, there was a river down the road and it's pretty close to the high street.

The inside of the house was kind of small, there's a little hallway, a massive living room, quite big dining room, a small bathroom, a fairly regular sized kitchen and 3 bedrooms thank goodness I don't have to share with Adam.

"OMG! I need to call Meg, tell her I've arrived at Nebraska!" I say just above a whisper to myself, but Adam probably heard me because he started to tease me "Oh! I'm Abbie, I have no time to actually look at the house, I have you text my bff first because I have NO LIFE..." he said some other crap but I ignored him and ran upstairs, he's always been a prick.

I chose this plain white, with a side view, it tumblr kind of room, and balcony overlooking a beach. Could I live in a better neighborhood? It literally has got it all! I drop my bags beside my bed and search out my hand luggage for my phone.

*ring ring*
"I'm sorry, the person you're to call is currently unavailable, please leave a message after the beep." "Shut up!" I shout at my phone, I seriously hate voicemail.
*ring ring*
"hello?" "Hey Meg!" I cheered, "Oh, hey Abs, so I'm guessing you've arrived at Nebraska." "Yeah..." "Cool, so tell me everything that happened, what was the plane ride like? Have you seen any CUTE Boys...? Ooo.... What's your house like?" Megan kept asking. "Oh god, ok. First the flight here, I didn't have any sleep, I was too worried about 'my new beginning'. Secondly, I did see a cute boy but he's so rude! I accidentally bump into him and he starts screaming and acting like a serious jerk. Thirdly, the house is actually really nice, it seems like a friendly neighborhood. And OMG! I live really close to the high street, ooooo.... The view from my window is amazing, I have a fricking beach behind my house! There's a massive field in front of my house as well. So far Nebraska is... Gorgeous, Rude and HUGE!" "Wow! Seems like you had quite a day." "Uh huh, you know it!" we giggled. "Well I gotta unpack, talk to you later, kay?" "Yeah, bye Abbie." "Bye Meg." I softly touch the end call button, and slowly start to unpack and decorate my room. I finally finished decorating my room, dying of exhaustion, I flopped down on my bed.

A/n: Pic on top is what her room looks like after she decorated it. The bed you see there, it's a spare /side kind bed, her real bed is on the other side, behind the pic/ camera.
So how you guys been? Reminder: I'm always here for you guys if you need me.

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