2. the time when he threw up

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7:20 am. North Pole.

3rd pov:

Once again the guardians where at North  workshop  watching as the yetis were working at making new toys that the guardian of wonder had created last week.

There where so many designs with oh so beautiful colours full with life, some of them  even have glitter, the place was calm yet enjoyable.

When they heard a barely perceptive whine from behind them,they turn around to search for however that had make that noise when their eyes land on a small body on the guardians sofa, that was cuddling in himself with his gaze down,

they slowly approach their friend  until they where two footsteps away from him, and that's when they notice that their friend was shaking slightly, so North being  the caring friend that he is, of course, land a hand on his friend's shoulder while softly saying,
"Jack my boy, are you okay?"

Jack tensed then quickly relax and say
"yeah it's just that I'm a little tired." if North noted the way he tensed up he didn't say it.

"well me and the others were saying that we should talk with each other about how's life going, want to  join us my friend?,the elf's are bringing hot chocolate and cookies"  said North  with a warm smile and his  so characteristics eyes full with wonder.

The rest of the group where in the background waiting for the minor's response,when he nodded  they began to walk towards the table with Jack behind them.

They caught up for 2 hours when jack started to make slight faces, at first the faces seemed funny to his companions but then his faces began to turn into ones of pain, and the boy moved his hand to his abdomen to rest it and squeezed firmly.

The guardians stood in front of him to figure out what was wrong with Jack, Toothiana rested her palm on her forehead intending to find out what was wrong when Jack jerked back with a relaxed face but an overwhelmed look.

North pov:

We where in front of Jack, I was worried about my boy because he was starting to look paler with each passing second and a little sleepy.

He still has his eyes lowered, then he raises his and my heart breaks at the sign I see in front of me, Jack has a look of pain and his lip trembled and his eyes... oh, his eyes that were always a beautiful sky blue were now puffy with a faint hint of red under his eyes and a look I never want on his little face again. I slowly start to get closer to him while making eye contact showing him that I'm not mad instead worry about him,he looked at me confused and.... fearful like if I was going to  do something bad and my heart start to ached again at this.

Did Jack though that I was going to hurt him? Am I doing something wrong?, I shake my head trying to erase that thoughts,that wasn't important now, right now the important thing was to make Jack feel better.

3rd pov:

Jack wasn't feeling well, he was feeling a little bit lightheaded and his stomach was hurting he actually didn't pay attention to any of his mate's when he feel something rising in his throat very fast so he stood up and stumbled a bit and ignoring the protests of his oh dear friends he ran towards the bathroom and fell on his knees just in time when something start to come out of his mouth and he realized that he was throwing up he feel like his throat was on fire while the vomit fluid to the toilet when actually he wasn't throwing up food instead it was bile ,it hurt a lot and he was having a hard time breathing a little due to the pressure he felt in his chest as he was shaking  violently and tears were flowing across his cheeks and falling into the toilet as sobs where scaping from his lips he heard his fellow friends trying to open the door but he didn't care at the moment,he dried his mouth and  slowly sit with his back in the wall and pull his knees to his chest,and he feel his eyelids start to get heavy and in that moment he allowed himself to sleep.

                               A/n <3

     I'm really sorry if it's confusing in some parts i would really appreciate if you comment about something, like if I have grammar mistakes or if it gets confused.

I hope all of you enjoy my story I'm actually new in writing and I want to improve and make the chapter's longer.

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