Part 3

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The journey would take at least a week for the two wolfs, usually when a wolf took the journey to collect his mate he would be in his wolf form and when he would find his mate his mate would ride him to his pack. The two, Erik and Stone decided it would be best to pick up their mate with a carriage. They thought that a human would be too weak to ride them to their pack and in a way it was true. Humans need much more rest than higher beings do, they need at least 7 hours sleep every night while higher beings can stay awake without hardship for at least a week and longer if needed.
Erik and Stone were both nervous, they cuddled and told each other sweet words of reassurance, that nothing would change their love, what a sweet lie it was.

Stark sat in silence reading a romance novel in her break. She really liked this novel, it was sweet and funny. It was hard not to laugh out loud for there must be silence in the library. Her break was over, she walk silently through the building, walking and putting the books in their rightful place not knowing she was being watched. Erik and Stone had arrived the day before, they decided to watch her and learn her routine. They wanted to be careful and be prepared for anything. It was decided that they would just follow her home and knock on her door, talk to her and if she would not come willingly they would just take her. From what the had observed she was close to no one so it would not matter much if she would disappear.

Stark walk home, while walking home she usually lived in her dreamworld, imagining herself in one of her books, living her dream life, if only what she imagined could come true, how sweet life would be. That thought left a smile on her face. When she arrived home she made herself hot coco and plot herself on her couch with her favourite book. After a while she heard a knock in door. She furrowed her brows, stood up and answered. What she saw surprised her. She saw two higher being, it was very clear that they were higher beings, the were too tall, too handsome and well too cold, they were the most handsome men she had ever seen, all higher beings were almost too beautiful for human eyes to look at. She stood there and could not understand why they would be knocking on her door. Higher beings did not come to human cities unless they needed something that they could not get anywhere else and usually that was their mate, it was very rare that a higher being had a human mate but still it could happen, that was enough hope for a lot of little girls to hold on to, for it would change their life for the better in every way.

Stark let them in for no human would dare to offend any higher beings it could easily cost them their lives. She invited them to sit down and asked if they wanted something to drink, they asked for water, she gave then water then sat down waiting for a reason why they knocked on her floor, her curiosity was killing her and was so hard to wait, they sat in awkward silence for a few seconds that felt like hours for her.

Finally Stone looked Stark in they eyes and told her that she was their mate. Stark could not believe it, it just did not happen, no higher being had more than one mate for they were two pieces that made a whole. She laughed nervously and asked if this was a joke. Erik said that it was not. Erik told Stark that they were best friends and had been for hundreds of years. They were so close that the gods decided that they would share a mate so they would always be in each other lives. Stark just sat in silence trying to understand what was happening, she had no feelings for them, other than maybe lust, it was just a human respond to higher beings nothing else, all humans felt it towards them. Stark did not know what to do, she was not ready for a relationship, she was not even sure if she ever would be. What had happened to her as a child had left a deep scar on her soul and she was not sure if it could ever be healed. Still she was curious and a little flattered, anyone would. She thought about what she had done to deserve it, maybe she saved one in her last life, maybe even two since it seemed she had two mates. They asked her come to their pack and live with them. They promised her all good things but Stark felt that it all sounded just a little too sweet but she thought about what she had. She really had nothing. She had no home, no friends, no family. The only thing she had was her books and paintings. She could paint anywhere, she could read anywhere so she thought about it and decided to take a leap of faith and leave with them. Wether it would be a happy ending or not remained to be seen.

The day after she went to her job and told them she had a mate and had to quit. She left right away, that was the way it worked, if a higher being claimed you, you left with them right away no question asked. She packed the few things she had, looked back at her little room, thinking her life would never be the same. She closed and locked the door, walked outside then stepped into the carriage and never looked back.

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