The Assassins Arc Part 2

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After the event Mordecai and Rigby decided to take Scribble home. Once they got there they were greeted by Scribble's mom with a worried look on her face. Scribble's Mom: Oh thank goodness you're okay. I just saw the news of what happened. It looked like that strange figure was trying to shoot you guys.

Mordecai: Yeah we are fine. Mary: So um you guys just here to take Scribble home? Rigby:Yeah we are about to go home now. Mary: Wait a minute you two you can't go out there without adult supervision. Especially if someone is out to kill you. Scribble's Mom: You should wait until your parents come pick you up. Mordecai: There is one slight problem with that.

Mary: What is the problem? Mordecai and Rigby decided to explain their current situation. After they were done explaining. Scribble's Mom: So you have no parents and you don't have a foster home. Rigby: Nope we rented out our own apartment and lie about our age to many people here. Scribble's Mom: Well you don't have to do that anymore. I know just the right family to adopt you. Later on Mordecai and Rigby were adopted by the Eeveelution family. Mordecai and Rigby were quite surprised on how big there new house is and rich their new family are. Rigby: This is just like the movie Annie. Rigby's new sibling: Almost like Annie. You have to actually work hard to get your money. Rigby: Heh I have been working hard since I was 13 years old.

We then cut to Shredder, Wolf, and Bear standing right in front of Mr.S. Mr.S: I introduce you to the fighter bots. These things can adapt to any opponents fighting styles including their skills. They can also develope very advance weaponry. Shredder: When will they be ready. Mr.S: In about 5 days. Shredder:5 days! I am not gonna wait 5 days. Mr.S: Hey know technology like this takes time. Shredder: They better be ready in 5 days or you will lose more then the money I am paying you.

The main evil trio left the building with Mr.S with a very worried look on his face. Wolf: So boss want us to try again. Those bots are gonna take a long time and I want to try again. Shredder: I see things are now personal for you two. Bear: Yeah especially since Scribble launch us to the sky leaving us in pain. Shredder: You can try again but don't be ashamed if you failed again. Be warned though my patience can grow thin. Wolf: You got it boss.

Wolf and Bear got into their stealth van and drove off. We then cut to Scribble in his room all by himself watching tv. He then heard a van right outside his window and he looked outside his window. It was Wolf and Bear. Scribble thought "They found out we're I live." Scribble has to stop them without anyone notice he had left. Scribble decided to sneak out through the front door but was immediately stopped by his sister Mary. Mary:Where are you going? Scribble: I saw the person that was trying to kill me right outside. I try to double check to see if the door is locked. Mary: Oh okay um go back to your room and I will call the police. Scribble: Okay I will go back to my room.

Once Scribble went into his room she then proceeded to use her magic to transform herself. She was then in her hero costume. Then teleported outside. Wolf and Bear were about to break in into the house but was stopped by Mary. Mary: What do you guys think you're doing! Wolf turned around. Wolf: Who are you? Mary: None of your business. Wolf pulled out her revolver to shoot Mary but missed because Mary teleported out of the way.

Mary then teleported in front of Wolf and knock her back very hard knocking her out. Then she turned to Bear who is about to use his giant hammer. Mary quickly got out of the way then used her destruction magic to destroy the hammer. She then knocked out Bear with no effort. Police sirens can be heard coming. Mary: Well looks like the cops coming. Shredder was up on of one of the roof tops. He then proceeded to transport Wolf, Bear, and himself back to the hideout. Mary look around in confusion of where they went but she has to leave right before the cops catch her. Since she is a vilgante.

So yeah that is the end of part 2. Only one more part left and this arc is finish. I promise the other arc will be longer then this one.

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