The Idea!!xx

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"What idea??" Macy asked.

"Niall DIdNT Paul say THT he was looking for some dancers to hire?" I asked Niall

"Yeah I think so why!" Niall asked

"Hmm....I wonder were we could find some pretty girls THT can dance amazingly??!" I said

"Umm...Liam...I found them they are right here!!" Niall said stupidly

"Duh...Sherlocks" I said in a mocking way!

" you want to...we could talk to Paul....y'all could go on your and everything with us every show and every gig...what do you girls say!?" I asked

"Umm...on your like leave...!!?" Olivia said "What do you think Macy?"

"I'm actually cool with it!!" Macy said

"Then sigh us up...we'll do it!!" Olivia said excitedly

"Good thing we already graduated!!" Macy said

"Cool i'll talk to Paul first thing tomorrow morning!!"" I said

"K well we gotta leave now it's getting really late!" Niall said

"Yeah your right ,Niall...k well good bye gorgeous!!" I said to Olivia

"Bye goodnight!!" Olivia said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Bye Niall... I'll miss you!!" Macy said giving Niall a kiss on the lips!!

"Bye babe!!xx" Niall said as he shut the door


"AHH...OH MY GOSH!! Still can't believe THT just happened!!" I said

"Yeah what did happen are you dating Liam??!" Macy asked smiling

"Yes we are dating!!" Olivia said

"AHH...OH MY GOSH well I have to go shower then I have to go to bed so good night!!" Macy said

"Good night I'm gunna eat cookies!" I said

"Whatever....wait did you say cookies...I'll have two!!" Macy said

-The next morning-


"Paul can I talk to you!?" Liam said

"Yeah sure what is it kid!!" I said

"We'll remember how you said you were looking for some new background dancers?" Liam said

"Yeah..." Paul said

"We'll I found some for you!!" I said

"Really who?" I said excited

"There two beautiful girls named Olivia and Macy and the dance amazingly " Liam said

"We'll ill be the judge of that...well tell them to come by the studio tomorrow at 8 and we will see them dance and decide in whatever we decide...k!" I said

"K...oh and did I mention THT...Niall and I are dating them!!" Liam said

"What...really...well just be careful kid!" I said then left.

Liam P.O.V.

"Well I better call Macy and Olivia" I said to myself

-------------the phone call--------------

"Hey!!xx" I said

"Hey...your on speaker Liam Macy is also here!!" Olivia said

"K well thts great!" I said "I spoke to Paul and he said THT you guys will meet him at the studio tomorrow at 8 and if he likes you he will hire you and trust me he will!!" I said

"Wait what...8....PSSHH I don't wake up at 8!" Macy said

"We will be there!!" Olivia said

"K...bye beautifuls!!" Liam said

"Bye!!" The girls said then hung up!

----------the phone call ended--------

Olivia P.O.V.

-the next day-

"Macy get up!!" I yelled!

-Macy DIdNT get up-

" wanna do it the hard way...lets do it the hard way!!" I said almost in a whisper!!

-She got a bull horn and a pot of water-

-She yelled into the bull horn and splashed the water all over her face-

"WHAT THE CUPCAKES!!" Macy said "why did you do that!"

"You wouldn't get up" I said smiling "c'mon get up and get ready Niall will be here to pick us up and take us to the studio!"

"Wait...Niall is coming why didn't you just say so...IM UP IM UP!!" Macy yelled as she went to the bathroom to get ready

-20 mins later-

"You girls ready!?" Niall asked

"Yes dear!! Macy said

"K lets go!" Niall said

-they arrived at the studio-

" these are the lucky ladies!!!" Paul said

"Yup...I'm Macy and thts Olivia" Macy said shaking Paul's hand

"Hi nice to meet you!" I said

"We'll you girls can get ready and warm up and just holler when your ready!" Paul said

"Oh we don't need to warm up...we are super ready!!" I said

"Yup...the question is are you ready!!" Macy said

"Okay then show me what you got!!" Paul said

-the girls did there amazing routine but in the middle of the dance Olivia twisted her ankle-

"Shit my ankle!!" I said

"Here I'll take you to the doctor!!" Liam said

"We will meet you there!" Macy said

-they arrived at the Doctor-

"Okay so good news and bad news!!" Liam said "which one do you wanna here first!!"

"GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS!!" Macy and Niall shouted in the room they were in

"Good news!" I said

"K well good news is THT you and Macy got the job!!" Liam said

"Yes...I feel like jumping up and dancing now!!" I said

"Bad news is THT you can't dance for at least a week cuz you sprain your ankle" Liam said

"It's so worth is!!" YES!!" I said being so happy and could tell that Macy was too


Finally updated hope this chapter was interesting!! Have a nice rest of the weekend!!xx


-CrunchBuddy :D

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