One month (part 2)

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-Macy POV-

"I wonder what the boys have planned for is today!!" Olivia asked driving

"Yes I'm so excited!" I said eating some sour grapes

"Today is going to be the best day ever!!" Olivia said "I hope I didn't just jinks it"

-at the boys flat-

-ding dong-

"That must be them!" Liam said going to open the door

-Liam opened the door-

-Olivia ran into his arms-

"Happy one month anniversary!!" Liam said holding her spinning her around!!

"I love you!!" Liam said kissing Olivia in the cheek

"I love you too!!" Olivia said

"Damn lovebirds!!" Macy said "where's Niall!?"

"He must be in Harry's room If not check his room!" Liam said

-I went searching into Harry's room-

"Harry is Niall here?" I said

"What....oh no sorry Macy....geez you woke me up!!" Harry said his hair all messy but still perfect

"Lazy much!!" I said shutting his door

-Macy went into Niall's room-

"Niall!!!" I said running into his arms his hands on my waist

"Hey love!!" Niall said kissing her forehead

"Your here early!!" Niall said putting on his jeans

"Nice boxers!!" I teased

"Haha I love food!!" Niall said

"Are you ready to go!!?" Macy asked

"Go where!?" Niall asked

"It's a surprise silly!!" I said

"Okay than lets go!!" Niall said grabbing my hand

-they went down to the living room-

-Olivia and Liam were still waiting there-

"Olivia can I talk to you!!?" Macy asked

"Yeah sure!! Wanna go outside!?" Olivia asked

"Yes since I can't whisper!" Macy said

"Okay what's wrong!?" Olivia asked

"Umm....Niall is acting a bit weird." I said

"Do you think he may have forgotten your anniversary?" Olivia asked "nah....maybe he is just a bit nervous and really happy!!"

"Yeah maybe!!!!" I said

"Don't worry about it I think everything will be fine!!" Olivia said

"Okay!" I said goin back inside

"Ready to go babe?!" Olivia asked

"Yeah lets go!" Liam said and they left

"Lets go Niall!!" I said

"First stop IHOP!!!" Niall said

"Good I'm hungry!!" I said

"When aren't you!!" Niall said smiling cheekily

-at IHOP-

"These pancakes are delicious!!!" I said

"Yes they are!!" Niall said stuffing his mouth!

-12:00 pm-

"I have a surprise for you!!" I said but we must drive down to Miami"

"Okay what are we waiting for if we leave now we am be there by 7" Niall said

"Niall you can drive!!" I said

"Fine!!" Niall said

-the whole ride there was filled with nothing but laughter-


"K I'm going to cover your eyes so don't peak!!" I said placing my hands over his eyes

"I'm nervous!" Niall said beginning to walk

"Just relax babe!! I said "I won't do anything to you!"

"I trust you!" Niall said stopping

"Okay are you ready....1...2...3!!" I said letting my hands go

"OH MY GOSH it's beautiful like you!!!!!" Niall said "how in the....when....I'm speechless!!"


CrunchBuddy's note

Decided to leave it on a cliff hanger!!


"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. "

~ Mark Twain


-CrunchBuddy 🔥

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