Chapter 2 [Sorry Firefly~]

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As Sundrop pulled the poster back, Another small hallway was revealed. Though this one seemed shorter as he had to crouch down to walk through. I regret following him, But I really need to get into my apartment. As we walk into a colorful childish room, the walls filled with children's drawings, and the floor covered in clothes and stuffed animals. On a small mattress was my phone, but sun was in front of it facing me. "Listen Sunbeam! uh moony and I, we didn't mean to hurt you that bad. I hope we didn't scare you into quitting-" He began "We just uh at night get a bit buggy um Normally moons a really nice uh person? but um tonight was a bad night for him to come and pop out. Especially so randomly as he did." the giant robot was messing with his thumbs and twiddling his fingers. "Were really sorry! this was such a bad first impression. We can play with glitter glue and paint pictures next time! Uh" He sat down in front of me.

Damn, He really does feel bad huh? For someone who can go from being cutesy to terrifying so quickly, he really can tug at your heartstrings. He's like a puppy who did something bad. I mean, If this animatronic was programmed for kids then, he can't be that dangerous? I feel like I'm going to regret this but I don't want him to think I hate him. "Ah Sun listen Its ok, it just... Scared me a lot." I finally say, I bet he was so unbelievably anxious after I left. "So you don't hate me or moony?!" He looked up at me smiling like a dork. "N-no why would I hate you uh, I mean you couldn't have seriously done any damage... right?" I sit down with him fumbling with my shirt. He takes a bit to think, "No, We'd never try to hurt you intentionally! We aren't programmed to hurt anyone!" he continued "That's why its so strange that moony hurt you." He looked down and started to anxiously tap his foot. 

He suddenly got up and moved out of the way of my things, Almost tripping while doing so. "Say Sundrop, how about when I come back tonight for my shift, I help you clean your room, its quite dirty." I spoke, I can't stand the silence. "But Sunbeam! You've already had so much happen because of me, icouldn'tpossiblyaskyou-" He started speaking faster. I feel so bad for reacting the way I did even if it was a reasonable reaction. "I'm not taking no for an answer, this place is filthy." I put my foot down. Suddenly the rooms atmosphere became serious, "Hey Sunbeam... Is it ok if, moony comes out to say sorry?" He looked down at me. It reminded me of the hours before. "I think so.. I, yes." I say mumbling. 

As Sun walks over to turn the lights off, I start sweating. "come on don't panic now, he just wants to say sorry. He isn't going to hurt you, Just keep acting fine." I breathe in as the lights go out. "Oh god oh god oh god, Am I going to have an anxiety attack? Oh god" I keep breathing and stand up, leaning against the wall. "Hey Y/N" A raspy voice says in the dark. "Are you ok?" No I'm not okay at all can't he tell? I feel like my chest is splitting open! "Hey hey, If your going to panic like this why did you say okay?!" He turned on a flashlight and laid it down where it would illuminate the room. Then promptly I feel myself being lifted into the air, and then held in moons arms. "Hey, Calm down alright? I feel bad enough for hurting you after going nuts. I don't want to make you break down too." He said in a low tone, He sounded different. Thoughts filed my mind of how near death feel, I'm breathing to fast and shaking again. I don't want to be near him he's going to hurt me. 

[MoonDrop's P.O.V] 

Seeing them shaking and looking up at me with fear in their eyes, AGAIN. Makes me feel guilty even more than I did already. I pick them up and sit down with them. By this time, They started to tear up and cry. I carry them to the floor mattress and wrap them in a nearby blanket. "Listen, Y/N. Your safe I'm not going to hurt you, In fact if you want I'll leave you here to recover." I pat their head as gently as possible. "I'm sorry for hurting you, It had to have been a malfunction in my system." I back away from them, but they held onto my pants. "P-please stay. I'm s-scared." They said in between sobs. I sit next to them and pat their head. "H-hey calm down alright? I'm sorry" I try to calm them, but its hard. After all I'm the one who did this. They latch onto me, sobbing into my chest. It was twisted how the very same person who did this to them, was the one they were seeking comfort from. "I don't.. want to be... alone" they manage to slip that out in between heavy sobs. "its alright, I'll sit here with you." I feel so guilty, How can I make them stop.. 

[Your P.O.V]

I feel MoonDrop rise up and walk away, I've never gotten this way before in front of anyone. Why did this happen now? The darkness is terrifying to me now. I almost died, Why am I here? I close my eyes and hide under the covers. This reminds me of when I was a child. Just think of things that keep you calm. Nothing can hurt you. 

[Sundrop P.O.V] 

As the lights come back on and I come into consciousness. I see them shaking under the bed covers. Poor Sunbeam. "H-Hey Y/N!" I pop up next to them and pull the covers off of them. "Hey I know your having a rainy day, But your alright nobody is going to hurt you here!" Patting their head I lift them up. "Say, How about you head on home and get some rest. You've had a stressful couple hours now. You also may feel safer away from... us." I set them on their feet and wipe their tears. "Y-your right, for now." They got up and wiped their face. "Gre-" As I began, they ran off with their things, Leaving me in the deafening silence. "Guess I should go take care of the kids now."

[Your P.O.V]

As I arrive at my home I immediately delve under the blankets. This is too much to handle so early in the morning. I resume my crying and eventually fall asleep... God knows I needed one.

Authors note; Sorry for cutting this chapter short, Chapter 3 will be much longer.

(Thank you for your continued support!)

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