Chapter 10 [Hey, Little guy!]

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It had been a couple days since Sun and I had started dating, There have been various work meetings about Me being suns new Maintenance worker, Food and blankets going missing, and even merchandise. The workers are all required to have inspections at their homes due to the theft, and security has been upped. The newbie Vanessa, gives me an off putting feeling. I saw her staring at me earlier, she is really not subtle about it either. As for the night shift I've been on, while cleaning around the security desk vent I've heard shuffling and scratching from inside. A few times mumbling. Tonight though, I have heard speaking, full on whispering. Maybe I should explore, Sundrop is recharging anyways. What else do I have to do?
After unscrewing the vent and crawling in, I see a tiny music man wandering around and go towards the shuffling in front of me. I creep after it and eventually come into an empty room above the daycare, with vents for windows. I see a kid fooling with sheets and a pillow, then he turns around and sees me. Though I blocked his entrance by being here. "Hey little guy, You need help? Are you okay?" He looks panicked and backs into a corner. "Hey dude, I'm not going to hurt you, do you need food? Are you lost? Homeless perhaps?" He looks at me and nods. "Okay then, come with me and we can get food!" I reach out for his hand and he creeps forward and takes it. "What's your name Dude?" I look at him and gently hold his hand. "Gr-egory." He sounds only 12. "Lets go then Gregory!" I lead him back to the daycare security desk and sneak him past the cameras into the kitchen. "Pizza's unhealthy and you look like your about to snap in half. Want me to cook you something?" He nods and sits on a small stool. "Welp, its late so how about some chicken wings and salad?" He nods and looks around anxiously.
After cooking him food and watching him eat. Should I press him for more answers? "So little dude, how did you get in?" He looks up at me sweating "an outside vent I used to sneak in, I fount that room and stayed there. You know I saw you kiss the robot." He made a fake gagging sound. I blush, "W-what? That's never happened! You were probably tired." Okay, now I did not need to lose this job. He giggled and stepped down from the stool. "Do you need a place to stay or will you continue to stay in that vent room? I can bring you food and meals if you like, I practically live here myself." I scratch the back of my head. "I have my own apartment if you wanted to stay there..." The kid looks at me and holds his flashlight close. "I'm going to live in the room, But could you bring me food?" I nod and eat some of the food myself. Looking at the time I notice there's only a few more hours until opening. "I gotta get some sleep, I'll lead you back to the room so you can stay safe." As we walk back I hear heavy stomping behind me. "Superstar! Attendant Y/N!" I turn around and try to hide Gregory. "You fount Gregory great! Now I can lead him back to his room!" I look at Gregory and back to Freddy. "Freddy! You knew about him?" I stop being defensive. "M-maybe, but It was with good intent! I didn't know if you'd hurt him or not." Freddy looks around worriedly "Freddy why would I hurt a child?" He looks around. "Its nothing, security protocol and all. I'll take him now, Why not go check on sun?" Gregory runs over to Freddy and climbs in his cake and piñata hatch. "Wait that's not safe!" Before they acknowledged what I said they were speeding off. I look off in the distance and see Vanessa looking around the place. A bad feeling washed over me and I return to the daycare. Sun still isn't back. I guess I'll sleep for the night.
After waking up in suns bed, Which has become a habit at this point. I get ready for the day as an attendant, The house check is later today. I hope sun will be fine without me for the night. I need to shower in a proper shower, these employee showers have the worst water pressure I've seen in a while. Speaking of, I'll be able to buy some groceries and pick up my new laptop. I look around for sun and see him in the daycare welcoming people in already. I run down and start to greet the children. "Hello kids!" They scream and run up to me pulling and tugging on the jesters suit. "Y/N! Lets play princess and knight today!" I nod and go up to sun, "Sunshine! Sunbeam! Baby! You looked so cute sleeping I didn't want to wake you up." He hugs me and runs off with the kids to put on princess costumes. The boys pick up toy swords and armor and lead me to the small tower to play in. "Save the princesses!" The boys shout as me and the other girls have a tea party and wait, I look over to see sun dressed as a giant dragon. "Defeat dragon sun-man!" The girls yell. The boys whack sun with toy swords and pile on him as the girls run down the tower stairs. Sun climbs the tower and grabs me. "You'll never get the monarch Y/N!" He yells and runs off with me as the children run behind. One of the kids pulled the dragon tail and tripped sun, Having us all fall over and pile on each-other. "Ah y/n's being crushed!" Sun yells and tries to safely get the kids off. "You defeated me! Now lets make sure no ones hurt." I get up, popping my back. Sun looks over and starts to whine. "D-did we break your back?" I laugh and shake my head. Todays a good day.

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