Chapter 4- My Name Isn't Important

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A/N-- Another upload! Yay! Now I'm going to go type chapter 5! Read on my bagels!


Flora POV

It was finally the night of the premiere. It was scary that the guy I fell in love with was around 17 when I first saw him (In New Moon I should say) and now he was almost 21. I also loved it because, he was mine.

I was finishing getting my makeup and dress on. My dress was a strapless red and black on that went almost to my knees and hugged my body just right. I smiled into the mirror feeling sexy. Suddenly there was another body in the mirrow with mine and warm strong arms around my waist.

"You ready, beautiful?" Taylor whispered in my ear. I tried not to melt, but it was so hard. I bit my lip and nodded at him.

"Yeah, I am. I can't believe this is the last movie."

"Well your one of the first girls to see it." Taylor said, kissing me then taking my hand in his.

I laced my fingers with his, I didn't want to go out, I wanted to stay here with him and savor every little second I got with him, but we had no choice. It wasn't like school, we couldn't call in sick. I sighed and hugged him closer. "We gotta go." I half-whispered into his ear, he nodded and slowly pulled me out of the hotel and down to our rental car. We got to the theatre and Taylor jumped out before I could, opening the door for me and taking my hand.

"Smile pretty for the cameras, babe." Taylor smilied, pulling me from the car. He pulled me close behind us while security showed us our way, when we finally did get there there was lights, everywhere. As we slowly made our way down the red carpet Taylor had his arm around my waist securely, making sure no one could hurt me. He was so cute when he was protective.

When we were about to the end and ready to go inside and take our seats a pretty lady with a microphone strolled up to us and asked if she could 'interupt' us real quick. Taylor, being the nice guy he is, obliged to doing it. I smiled at her and looked up at the camera.

"I am at the final Breaking Dawn premiere with Taylor Lautner and his lovely girlfriend, how are you guys doin' tonight?" She asked, overly enthused.

"Awesome, we were just about to go inside and claim our seats." Taylor responded to her question, pulling me closer to him, and into his hip.

"Oh. So how is our favorite couple? You guys look adorable tonight!" This girl was to excited for her own good.

I butted in before Taylor could say anything else. "We're great actually."

"Taylor, what are your plans for after this?" She asked, switching subjects.

"Well I've had some oppurtunities but I'm not sure what I want to do yet."

"What about you... Uhm--" I rolled my eyes and interrupted her.

"Flora..." This is what irritated me the most. My name wasn't important. "I had some modeling oppertunities. I think I might take that up."I said.

"Alright, well that does it for our wonderful couple. Oh! Here comes BooBoo Stewart!" She suddenly jumped and shoved us to the side and we proceeded to walk into the building and down to where we were suppose to sit.

"Over here, Mr. and Mrs. Lautner." The security officer pointed to our seats.

"We're not married." I giggled like a little girl. I loved the sound of having his last name.

"You know you want my last name." Taylor laughed hinting at marraige.

"Of course." I laughed, following Taylor to the seats we were assigned. About 15-20 minutes later when everyone was seated the movie proceeded to start. Then about half an hour into the movie Taylor kissed me and I pulled back giving the movie my full attention. I knew he wanted to make out like any other time at the movie but, this is Breaking Dawn Part 2 and I've been waiting for this movie for a long time.

"Come on..." He whimpered quietly in my ear.

"No, I wanna watch the movie and were surrounded by all your friends, no." I said, putting my foot down. He gave up and looked up at the screen kind of bored.

After about an hour and a half later it was all. over. It was great, better than I expected. Bill Condon, the director for Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2 got up ans started announcing all the things for and about Breaking Dawn.

"Thank you all for coming to the premiere of our final movie. I'd like to thank some specific people and have them come up here."

"Stephanie Meyer. Without your books we wouldn't be here." We all cheered and clapped as she walked up there.

"Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson." Bill pointed to them.

"Taylor Lautner amd our lovely Makenzie Foy." Makenzie ran over to Taylor and he took her hand. Smiling, they both walked up there. Gosh, she was adorable. Bill continued down the list of actors and producers until he got to someone not so important.

"There was somone who was on set a lot, helping us around. Flora Trenton, why don't you get up here?" He laughed, pointing at me.. I didn't know what to do, I was just standing in bewilderment, confused on what to do. Taylor jogged down to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me back up with him. Everyone started chanting us on to kiss, so I complied and decided to do it. I slowly got up on my tippy toes and met my lips with his. It felt like the world around us disappeared. All that I cared about right now was Taylor and I. But all to quickly I was pulled back into reality. I looked up at Taylor and stood up right again.

Everyone was cheering, applauding, laughing. It was great. Bill talked more before Taylor and I left to head back to our hotel. On the elevator there was a lot of touching and feeling, we just couldn't help ourselves. We walked down the hall when we got to our floor and tried to open the door faster than possible. When we did get inside the door was barely closed before I slammed Taylor into the wall.

While Taylor's lips were on mine he stripped his jacket off and threw it to the side. We were having our fun until someone knocked on the door. I groaned into Taylor's neck. every time! I took a step back from Taylor. He looked through the peep hole and rolled his eyes, unlocking the door. When it opened our lovely friends strolled in as if we were doing nothing even though they knew one of us was most likely hot and bothered.

"You guys are no fun, you came back at like 10:30 to sit around in your room?" Booboo asked, as if he didn't know what we were really going to do.

"To be honest Booboo, no not at all. I know, too much information. Get over it." I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little.

"I guess we're out then." Nikki laughed at us, pulling Kellan out of the room with Ashley and Jackson following shortly behind. I looked up at Rob who seemed a bit annoyed that we were just going to have sex.

"Come on, you guys can't just ditch us to have sex." Rob crossed his arms, frowning at us.


"You two need to chill with us before you leave." Kristen said, pointing fingers at us. I laughed little at her. She was so wierd and funny sometimes. I rolled my eyes.

"Promise. Now go along sparkle boy, Bella and Mini-me." Taylor laughed, pushing them out of the door and shutting it. He turned around and sent me an evil smile. I went closer to him and pulled him by the collar of his shirt to me.

"Now where were we?" I simply asked and shoved him on the bed.

I Woke Up In His Arms- A Taylor Lautner Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now