Chapter 13- Back Home

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"Oh yeah... Right there Taylor..." Flora moaned out at me. I kept going without stopping, hoping no one would interupt our time.

"That was awesome... haha... Do my feet now!" Flora loved feet and back massages. She was pretty tipsy, she had four beers and I had about one and a half.

I loved seeing her drunk side. She was so loose and cute, and hiccuped every once and a while.

"Teddy Bear-- Tay bear, Hey! That sounds like teddy bear!" Flora started giggling. Her smile suddenly dropped and gave me a serious look. I raised and eyebrow at her. Flo crawled over to me sitting on my lap, facing towards me. She grabbed my face while straddling my hips and kissed me.

Flora started to grind against my hips. Her drunk side was a lot sexier. We let go of each others lips breathing heavily I started to kiss down her neck, making it to her breasts then back up to the lips. She tasted so sweet. I slid a hand up the back of her shirt and carefully unhooked her bra. Flora jerked up and held her chest, looking up to me. Smiling, she took off her shirt and bra and threw them across the room.

2 Hours Later...

Flora lay next to me out of breathe while pulling the sheets up to her chest. I felt my heart beat slow down. That was... amazing. Flora looked like she wa going to pass out from exhaustion, her eyes were slowly opening and closing. I pulled her towards me so she could lay on my chest.

"Hey... Go to sleep. I love you... Goodnight..."

"Night Taylor, I love you too..." She mumbled before officially closing her eyes. It wasn't long after that before I had also fallen asleep.

I woke up suddenly to my phone ringing. I carefully manouvered my arm around Flora so I could grab my phone. When I did I didn't bother to check the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I asked, tiredly.

"Tay-Taylor? I'm sorry if I woke you up. I--" I thought about the voice, it was Kristen.

"Kristen? What's wrong?"

"Rob he-he, he dumped me... I'm a terrible girlfriend. I cheated on him..." She started sobbing into the phone more than before. My eyes widened, she of all people cheated on rob! Oh my god.

"With who?" Is all I could say.

"My- My director... For Snow White and the Huntsman. I- I don't know what to do Taylor, I'm sorry." She was appologizing to me? She should be appologizing to Rob. Kristen loves him to death, they were my best freinds and I needed to know why.

"Kristen, don't appologize to me. Just tell me why you did it." Hopefully she has a reason.

"I don't know..." She started to calm down. "I-- Can you please talk to him for me? I-- Don't know what to do." She wants me in the middle? I love Kristen but I'm not switzerland. Did I just quote my own movie? I shook my head.

"Kristen, you have to help yourself. I will talk to him about how he's handling it, but please... Think about it." I pulled the phone away form my face to check the date and time. My eyes widened, it was November 30th, 6:30 in the morning. We have to go home today.

"I will Taylor... Thanks for listening, I have to go. Bye."

"Bye." And we both hung up the phone.

I really didn't want to wake Flora.I lost track of the days, we had to be out of this house and on a plane by nine. I leaned down and kissed Flora's forehead gently and her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning Sexy..." She stretched.

"Hey, we gotta pack up and leave. It's the 30th. I totally lost track of days, I'm sorry."

"It's fine... Did you see where I threw my bra? It's my last one." She asked, tiredly. I thought for a second and looked around, realizing my room was cleaner than it was last night. No clothes on the ground. I got up and checked the hamper, it was all in there. Flo's bra right on top. I picked it up and threw it to her.

"Okay, we have an hour and a half to get to the airport. Let's book it." So quickly we took our showers and packed up. I dragged our bags downstairs and walked over to everyone in the livingroom. My parents smothered us in hugs. I would miss them. Next was Makena, her goodbye was lovely.

"Hey, don't get in anymore fights. Ever sense you've been engaged you guys have been more vulnerable to fight. but nonetheless, I love you guys." She hugged us. We turned to Sara and Alyson, who were holding hands.

"We're going to miss you guys. We love you." All of us hugged each other. "Oh, and Flora take care of Taylor." Alyson smirked. Then sadly, we had to walk out the door and get in to our taxi. When we got in, the driver started for the airport. Flora leaned her head on my shoulder, I thought she was tired until I heard her sniffle and she wiped her cheek.

"What's wrong, Flora?" I asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Everything is coming at me at once, it's overwhelming. I'm getting morried to Taylor Lautner, your family and friends accept and love me, and you are the best guy a girl could ever wish for." She wiped her tears and I pulled her closer. I rubbed the side of her arms and rested my head on top of hers.

"You're the best girl a guy could ever wish for. Please don't cry..." I tried to comfort her. "Kristen called me this morning." I randomply brought it up.

"What'd she need?" I sighed at her question.

"A friend... She cheated on Rob and he dumped her." Flora looked up at me in shock.

"What....? But... Why...? She of all people. They've been together what, five years?" She asked.

"Yeah something like that, I was shocked myself. She slept with her director, and told me she didn't know why she did it. Kris wanted me to call and ask Rob to take her back, but I told her no and to think hard about what she did. I still need to check on Rob, though. He's probably terrible."

"I bet. Gosh, I never expected them to break up."

"The sad thing is, he was going to propose soon."

"Wow, he probably feels like complete shit right now."

"I know." the taxi pulled up to the airport and I paid the driver. We grabbed our bags and headed inside  it was going to be a long day.


A/N-- 6 chapters and an Epilouge left! Hope you enjoyed, sorry if it was short.

I Woke Up In His Arms- A Taylor Lautner Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now