Chapter 12- A Fun Night

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A/N-- 7 chapters and an epilouge left! Let the countdown begin! There's a total of 20 chapters, and I have a surprise in store for you guys! I might announce it in chapter 19 if you're lucky! I'm already getting excited about the surprise(: Lol. But, Chapter 12 guys!



Flora POV

"I guess I just realised it when I met someone and got close." Sara shrugged.

"Ooh, Who are you crushing on?" I asked her, smirking. I saw her glance at Alyson. Alyson still wasn't looking, were they okay? I leaned over to Taylor to whisper. "Are they okay?"

"I'm adding stuff up in my head... Give me a minute." He muttered.

I had a sudden urge to kiss him, I leaned over to him. "Stop thinking and kiss me." I half-whispered. He took a quick look at me and I decided to make the move. I smiled under the kiss, his lips tasted like they always did... steak. I chuckled to myself and Taylor pulled away.

"Myself, your lips taste like steak..." His eyes grew wide at my comment.

"I knew it! And I figured it out! For one I knew I tasted like steak, for two you guys are into each other!" Taylor yelled in an ah-ha voice. I looked over to Sara and Alyson, they looked shocked that he was smart enough to figure out. I smiled and rolled my eyes, aww, my baby. My smile instantly dropped when I saw Alyson grab Sara's face and pulled their lips together.


"I've been waiting to do that all day." Alyson sighed, she looked lovingly at Sara.

"I think I'm going to out to lunch with some friends, bye guys!" Makena yelled while running out of the house.

"I think we ruined the last of her childhood." Taylor laughed.

"So, when did this happen?"

"A couple months ago, I guess. I didn't want to accept it, but Aly helped me..." Sara intertwined her fingers with Alyson's

"So... You're telling me that my best friend and ex-girlfriend are lesbians together? This has been a wierd week..." Taylor saidd, and I squeezed his hand.

"How long have you been official?"

"Three days..." They replied.

"Wow, I don't believe this." I giggled.

"Hey, do you guys want to order a pizza or something?" Taylor asked, getting off subject.


"Alright, what kind do you guys like?" Sara and Alyson gave each other a look and smiled.

"Hawaiian." They said, simeltaneously.

Taylor looked over at me, "Meat lovers with no ham and extra sauce on thick crust, do you want bread sticks?" God, I love how he knows me. I smiled up at him and bit my lip.

"Mhm... I think you deserve a kiss for that." I leaned over and kissed him softly and he gladly kissed back. I just smiled and heard an awkward cough in the background, I looked over and my face turned red.

Taylor rubbed the back of his neck. "I think we should order the pizza. Who's going to call?" He asked. Sara and Alyson looked at him quizically as to why he couldn't do it himself. I sighed and knew I had to explain as to why he couldn't call.

"Once a  pizza delivery girl invited her friends to come deliver to Mr. Lautner here and she had five or six of them. When taylor opened the door to pay they attacked him. They were all trying to grab for his hand and wrist at the same time and it snapped. When I jumped in to beat their asses they started to pull my hair, my hair. Who pulls hair? Anyway they threw the pizza box at us and left. It was terrible. They didn't even attempt to appologize. But after Taylor came home from the hospital I got that bitch fired."

"Oh my god, that's terrible." Alyson looked sadly at terrible. I grabbed the phone real quick and told tay I'd order the pizza and did. "32.21." I kissed him.

"Thanks, I love you." He smiled.

"Love you too." I heard a small chorus of aws in the background.

"You guys are so adorable. You light up around her Taylor, you know that?" Alyson asked him.

"She does bring the best out in me."

"I'm glad I spilled my coffee on you." I smiled at him, scooting closer.

"What?" Sara asked with a laugh.

"That's how we met, I was walking out of starbucks with my friend and he was walking in and I accidentally spilled my coffee down his shirt. Infront of Robert Pattinson at that."

"So within a trip to Starbucks you spilled your coffee on Taylor Lautner and met Robert Pattinson? Damn, you're a lucky girl." Sara winked at me.

"It was a shocker though. I didn't expect Rob to give me Taylor's number."

"I'm glad he did though. If he wouldn't have we wouldn't be where we are right now." Taylor pecked my lips and my smile just got wider.

"Wait, so you didn't date Lily Collins?" Alyson asked him. And smile gone.

Taylor face-palmed himself and I could already feel myself heating up. That bitch made out with my boyfriend, she acted like she owned him, Lily was such a lying, coniving hoe.

"Whoa, did I say something wrong? I can see the steam coming out of your ears, Flora." Alyson spoke again, bringing my attention back to them.

"Flo wanted to come on set to abduction with me one day, meet new people see me be an action star instead of a werewolf. Well I insisted she come a different day. I warned her to be ready because that day was the train fight scene and the make-out scene. Flora was sitting out to the side waiting for my cue to start, when the scene started she wasn't so happy because I wrapped my arms around Lily and the rest is history." Taylor explained to them and rubbed my arm for comfort.

"That bitch acted like she owned you, treated you like a dog and I don't even know what else. What really pissed me off is that she tried to make it look like he kissed her on the sidelines. When she kissed him. Complete bull crap." I huffed and crossed my arms, I didn't even want to think of her ever again. Ugh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Alyson appologized.

"You didn't, Liliy Collins did." I flashed her a cheesy smile.

"Well then, Taylor why don't you kiss her to put a smile on her face." Sara suggested, so Taylor leaned over and pecked my lips. I bit my own to keep myself from smiling. Damnit Sara was right. His kisses made me smile. I smirked and I couldn't hold the smile back anymore. Taylor laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Why do you have that effect on me?"

"I have no idea, but I love it." Tay set 40 dollars on the counter, before speaking again. "Tell the pizza deliverer to keep the change, yell at us when the pizza is here." Taylor grabbed my arm and pulled me up to his room, shutting the door behind him. I raised an eyebrow at him when he turned back to me and grabbed my waist, swaying both of us back and forth.

"What are we doing up here?" He quickly got into his mini-fridge and handed me a beer.

"I think we should have some fun." Taylor winked.

"It's not going to be like the other night is it?"

"Hell no. I just want to have a little fun."

I plopped down on Taylor's bed and opened the beer. I made a toast with Taylor and took a big swig of it. "It's gonna be a good night."

"What time is it?" He asked, taking a seat next to me. I checked my phone and it was close to two.

"About two." I took another drink, tonight was going to be a fun night.

I Woke Up In His Arms- A Taylor Lautner Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now