Never End

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Walking down a busy sidewalk 16 year old Miranda Bailey was looking for a place to eat when she finally found a restaurant

"Hey...uh how much for a number 3?" She asked

"$10.50" the cashier said

"What can I get for $8.00" Miranda asked

"That's all you have?" She asked

"Yes ma'am" Miranda said looking down

"Go sit over there at that empty table" she pointed to the empty table in the corner

Walking over to the table Miranda took her book bag off and sat down waiting for the lady

" you doing" she heard a voice, she looked up and say a boy about her age getting ready to sit down

"I'm okay" she said looking back down

"I'm Benjamin, but people call me Ben"'he smiled

"I'm Miranda" she said "why are you sitting here I didn't invite you to sit" she added

"This is my normal table" he laughed

"Hey Ben sweetie how are you" the cashier came up to the table and set two glasses of tea on the table

"I'm fine Ms. Gladys" he smiled

"You want your usual?"

"Yes ma'am" he said as she walked away

"So homeless?" He asked drinking from the glass

"That's none of your business" she rolled her eyes

"My fault...I'm homeless Ms. Gladys gives me food, clothes, and sometimes money" he said trying to start a conversation with Miranda

"Good for you" she said. After a while Ms. Gladys came back with two plates filled with food

"Thank you" they both said and Miranda started eating

"When was the last time you ate?" Ben laughed

"Too long" she said putting a spoon full of food into her mouth

"You don't say grace? Ms. Gladys told me to always say grace and to be thankful because I never know if this would be my last meal or not" Ben said as he closed his eyes and bowed his head a little to say grace Miranda stopped eating and watched him.

"H-how long you been homeless?" She asked after he finished saying grace

"Since I was 14 I'm 17 now" he said as he started eating

They sat and ate in silence until they were done

"Come back anytime you hungry sweetie, and if you don't see me always tell the cashier Ms. Gladys sent you okay" she said to Miranda

"Yes ma'am" Miranda said walking out

"Hey wait up" she heard Ben

"What do you want?" She asked

"You got a place to sleep?"

"No" she looked down

"Follow me" he said grabbing her hand and walking down the sidewalk

"Welcome to my place" he said as he opened an abandoned house door

"This is yours?" She asked

"Kinda" he laughed

"You can take the couch I'll sleep on the floor" he said taking off his jacket

"Thank you" she smiled

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