Wrong to love you

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"Alright sweetie, I want you to go upstairs and get ready for bed"

"Yes ma'am" eight year old Maliyah answered. Walking up the stairs Maliyah walked into her bathroom. After her shower she got dressed, and went back down to tell her parents goodnight

"Mommy? Daddy?" She said as she walked down the hall


"MALIYAH RUN" was all she heard, she jumped when the sound of a gun rang out. Running back upstairs, Maliyah went to hiding place, sitting crisscross while covering her ears she waited until all the noise stopped as she quietly cried for her mom and dad.

An hour went by when all of the noise finally stopped. Walking down stairs she saw that her house looked like a tornado hit

"Mommy? Daddy?" She called but got no answer

Slowly walking to the kitchen she saw a pair of legs, walking closer she finally saw who they belonged to


"Dr. Bailey!" Was all she heard coming from her daze

"Yes sir? I'm sorry I was just thinking" she answered quickly

"Dr. Bailey follow me to my office" he said in a commanding tone

Walking into the office he closed the door behind him

"Look sir, I'm sorry-"

"Miranda are you okay? You know if something's going on you can tell me" he said cutting her off

"I'm fine sir. Just need some rest" she said

"Okay go home and get it! And don't forget tomorrow is the merger with Mercy West and I need my better half here in her right mind to show people how we get down around here"

"Yes sir! I won't disappoint" she smiled

"Good, now go home and get some sleep"

"Yes sir" she smiled as he returned one back while she's walking out.

*The Next Day*

"Look at all these prison orange, I can't deal" Callie said

"You have to say some do look good in prison orange" another doctor said

"Yeah you're right" Callie laughed "right Miranda" she asked


"Huh? Wait?" Miranda finally answered

"You agree right?"

"Uhh yeah, I guess" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Ohh, cutie 12 o'clock" Dr. Reid said

"Hello, I'm Dr. Warren" the Doctor walked up and introduced himself

"I'm Torres, this is Reid and Bailey"

"Hi, I'm Dr.  Reid like she said" Reid said batting her lashes

"Nice to meet you" he smiled

Later that day Miranda was on her way to a room to relax before her next surgery.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a break room or something" was all she heard

"Follow me" Miranda said rolling her eyes because she just knew it was an orange scrub asking where something was

"I'm Benjamin by the way" he said walking beside her


"Oh, I know I kinda met you earlier but I was wondering if I could get your first name?" He asked

"Why?" She stopped and looked at him

Looking around to make sure nobody was watching, he moved closer to her and said

"Because, I'd really like to get to know you"

"We'll see" was all she said as she walked away.


"Hello, Miranda" Miranda turned around to see Dr. Warren standing behind her with a grin

"Who told you?" She asked

"A little birdie, so can I take you out to dinner?"

"Dr. Warren I have work to do" Miranda said

"I do as well, but it wouldn't hurt to talk a little"

"The time I'm wasting talking to you it does" she said walking away

"Wait, wait what about dinner?"

"Pick me up tomorrow 8 o'clock don't be late" Miranda said

"Yes ma'am" he smiled as he watched her walked away.

"I had fun last night on our date" Ben said whispering in her ear

"It was" she smiled

"When can we have another one?"

"Never" Miranda smiled sweetly

"Wait, what why?"

"Because, you're Mercy West"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dr. Bailey! Trauma in the pit"

"Sorry, gotta go" Miranda said jogging off

*A month later*

"Ben! Come on we're gonna be late" Miranda yelled from her bedroom

"I'm almost finish" he yelled back from the shower

"I swear you make us late one more time" she rolled her eyes walking into the bathroom. Miranda stopped when she saw something that made her heart race and drop to her feet, something she thought she'd never see in her life, something that brought back her horrible nightmare.


"MOMMY! DADDY!" Maliyah screamed walking over to the bodies of her parents she got to her hands and knees when Maliyah realized that they were gone, she cried and cried.

Why would someone do this?

Why would someone want to hurt her mother and father she thought. Looking around the room she noticed a symbol on the wall, some letters put together it was 'W.F.M' spray painted on the wall.

"Miranda? Baby what are you doing with that?" Ben asked with a worried voice. Slowly walking towards Miranda, he saw the gun had the safety off

"Miranda" he said more calmly

"That tattoo on your back. What does it mean?" She asked with tears rolling down her face

"Miranda what does my tattoo have-"

"What does it mean!" She yelled cutting him off

"W-Warren Family Mafia" And as soon as those words left his mouth Miranda pointed the gun towards him

"Whoa!! Miranda baby what are you doing?"

"It was you! Your Family killed my parents!" She yelled as she stood up with the gun pointing at his chest

"B- baby I don't know what you're talking about okay" he said nervously looking from Miranda to the gun

"Bullshit" Miranda cried with her finger hovering over the trigger "My parents were killed and whoever did it left that same symbol"

"Baby, I promise you I don't know anything about that" Ben cried

"You're lying!"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are!" She yelled, Miranda closed her eyes

"Miranda wait-" and she pulled the trigger leaving the sound of ringing to her ears and the vibration of Ben's body hitting the floor.....................

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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