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So cold I am so cold I wake up to the shower running I don't know how long I have been in here but the water is freezing. I get out and get dressed as quick as possible I find my phone and text Arizona my OB and friend I am freaking out I am a bad mother .
Abbi : Arizona .
Abbi: Arizona .
zona❤️: What is it honey.
Abbi: I - I - i fell asleep in the shower I am going to be a bad mother what If I fall asleep again and the baby starts crying and I don't wake up .
Zona❤️: honey you will be fine it happens a lot in the first trimester your hormones are going crazy your going to be drained your having a baby your body needs time to adjust to working for 2.
Abbi: I am a terrible mother my baby's father doesn't even know they exist. Me and Arizona are the only ones that know I am pregnant.
Zona❤️: honey don't beat your self up you will be fine I am coming over my shift just ended.
Abbi: ok


I am sitting in my bed talking to the baby that is resting peacefully in my uterus. When I hear Arizona come in " Abbi it's me Arizona where are you " " in here "I yell I keep taking to the baby not realizing zona walked in. She comes a sit next to me pulling out of my thought "see I told you you would be a good mom" this baby all ready hates me they won't let me eat with out puking it back out. That is just the morning sickness it will go away soon. So much for it being in the morning I can't ever sleep I spend most nights puking. You look like it here lay down I lay down and zona starts rubbing light circles on my back sending me right to sleep. I wake up the next morning to someone asleep next to me it's mark. He has been sleeping at the hospital because his patient keeps crashing and seizing I guess he came home. I try to get out with out waking him up but I fail "good morning babe" he says "good morning to you to " I think to my self I am going to tell him right her right now. " Mark I have something to tell you" I slip into the bathroom and get the test and ultrasound photos to show him I come back out I am pregnant I say handing him the test and photos.

A/N All right I am back I have not written in so long tell me what you guys think 💭

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