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Namjoon woke up with a smile on his face, immediately looking down at the omega sleeping peacefully against his chest. It had been a week now, a week full of many, many orgasms, so many that he was confused as to why he felt so much energy, and he still couldn't believe that he was actually mated to the most beautiful man in the world. Namjoon watched Seokjin sleep for a few minutes, smile increasing when the omega began to stir. Seokjin groaned, face scrunching in discomfort as he subconsciously turned to nuzzle into the alpha's neck. "I'm sticky~" He mumbled, breathing in the cinnamon that was now sweetened with his own scent.

"You wanna go take a shower?" Namjoon asked, running his hand along Seokjin's side, chuckling as the omega nodded sleepily. "You'll have to get up for that."

Seokjin groaned, holding Namjoon tighter. "Or you can just carry me."

Namjoon chuckled, pressing a kiss to Seokjin's forehead before climbing out of the bed, the omega whining at his absence. "Let's go get you cleaned up." He pulled Seokjin into a sitting position before grabbing a hoodie from the floor and pulling it over the omega's head, pulling a pair of underwear onto himself. Once they were covered, Namjoon picked his mate up and made his way out of the bedroom.

"Welcome back~" Yoongi commented from where he and Jimin were lounging on the couch with cups of coffee. "Sounds like you two had fun."

Namjoon blushed while Seokjin lifted his head. "Come back next week and see if you still want to tease us."

Jimin purred at the thought of soon being mated to Yoongi, snuggling in closer to his alpha. "You two know what's coming right?"

Seokjin nodded, suddenly having a serious air about him. "We're going to talk to my grandfather after we get ready." The omega then nudged Namjoon to head into the bathroom, the alpha listening with a confused expression on his face.

"I didn't realize we were seeing your grandfather today." Namjoon commented as he set Seokjin on the counter, stepping over to the shower to turn the water on.

The omega shrugged. "We have to talk to him at some point. What with the council overruling his decision and us mating before our betrothment was even announced." Namjoon blushed at the mention of mating, a warmth rushing through his chest, and if he hadn't been facing the shower, he would have noticed Seokjin having the exact same reaction. "Might as well get it over with now rather than waiting for the storm to hit. That way we have the advantage."

After making sure the water was warm enough, Namjoon walked back over to Seokjin, wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. "I don't want you being around him." The alpha nuzzled against the omega's cheek, right where the now faded bruise had been.

"I know~" Seokjin hummed, nuzzling Namjoon back. "But we have to." Namjoon sighed, pressing a kiss to Seokjin's cheek before backing away to undress them.


Eyes were on them as they walked through the town. Word had spread quickly about the council's decision, and then once Seokjin had been discovered to have escaped his room, no one could stop talking about the inevitability of them mating. Namjoon was suddenly reminded of his first day at the village, the silence and stares being eerily similar.

They finally arrived at the village center, stepping into the old building and seeing the pack alpha in the center of the open front room, speaking to some of the pack members. Upon seeing the couple, his features hardened into a glare and he waved the alphas off, stalking towards Namjoon and Seokjin. "I knew you always had a rebellious streak," he spat at Seokjin, "but you have gone way too far this time."

"Like you went way too far? Rejecting us because you still harbor a grudge towards my grandmother?" Namjoon shot back, Seokjin's hand in his giving him the strength and confidence to speak up.

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