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Yoongi and Namjoon headed out of the cabin at the same time to get started on their responsibilities for the day. "So, today's the day?" Yoongi asked the other alpha as they both made their way down the path. "You and Seokjin are going to ask for his grandfather's blessing?"

Namjoon nodded with a smile. "Yeah, we are, and I've never been more excited for anything in my life. What about you?" He suddenly asked Yoongi. "Are you and Jimin just going to stay betrothed forever or are you guys going to eventually mate?"

Yoongi chuckled. "Actually, my rut's supposed to come next week, and we're going to mate then."

Namjoon hummed in response. "I think I'm still confused on what all goes into mating and why people have to wait for ruts and heats."

"I'll explain it all to you soon, when we both have some free time." Yoongi promised, patting the taller alpha on the back before heading in the direction of the bookstore his father owned.

The day passed by slowly for both Namjoon and Seokjin who buzzed with impatience until the moment they could head to the pack alpha's quarters to speak to him. "I think this is the only time I've been legitimately excited to go see my grandfather." Seokjin commented as he and Namjoon made their way to his office, hands intertwined.

"I'm excited too, but I'm also worried." Namjoon admitted.

"You don't have to be worried." Seokjin said as they slowed to a stop outside the pack alpha's office. "If he says no, we'll just go to the council. Then we'll be betrothed, then soon enough we'll be mated, and you'll be pack alpha, and we'll finally have someone competent in charge here!"

Namjoon chuckled, pressing a kiss to Seokjin's forehead. "I like your enthusiasm but let's focus on getting the first step out of the way." Seokjin nodded in agreement, pressing his lips to Namjoon's briefly before stepping back.

The alpha moved to knock on the door, only for the omega to burst in as if he owned the place. "Halabeoji, we have to talk to you about something important." He announced without giving his grandfather a chance to greet them.

"What is it?" The male asked, looking at the both of them with discontent.

Namjoon took a deep breath, squeezing Seokjin's hand for comfort before speaking. "We'd like to ask for your blessing to enter a betrothal." He was extremely proud of himself for speaking with a stable voice for once, only for his elated mood to disappear with one word out of the pack alpha's mouth.


While Namjoon's heart was breaking, Seokjin's was feeling with anger. "Come on, Halabeoji, what reason would you have to deny us?"

"I don't have to provide a reason." The male said, calling for his second in command to come into the room. "I've let you have your fun with this little act of rebellion, but it's time to stop and take your future seriously." He glanced up as the door opened, revealing his second in command. "Eunwoo, please escort Namjoon out."

"You can't do that!" Seokjin objected as Namjoon willingly let himself be led out of the room. With one last look of assurance that everything would be okay, the alpha was gone, leaving the omega and his grandfather alone. "Can't you be reasonable for once in your life instead of letting personal vendettas get in the way?!"

"Seokjin, you and I both know that he is no fit for pack alpha and is definitely not a proper mate for you. Tomorrow, I will begin searching-"

"Bullshit!" Seokjin exclaimed. "You just don't want me with him because Soomin left you! And I don't blame her, you are a sorry excuse for a wolf, and the only person here unfit to be pack alpha is you-" Seokjin stopped talking as he felt a sharp sting on his cheek, head shooting to the side.

His grandfather calmly let his hand fall back to his side. "That's enough, Seokjin. It's time for you to go to your room."

The omega glared at the older male as he took a few steps towards the door, hand pressed to his burning cheek. "You know we'll just go to the council and challenge you."

"A challenge has to be made within 72 hours and both parties have to be present. You and I both know you won't be going anywhere for at least five days." Seokjin's glare hardened as his grandfather looked at him with a borderline evil smile. "It's time for you to go to your room." He repeated more firmly, and Seokjin begrudgingly listened, growling quietly when he heard the door being locked from the outside.


The sun was just starting to peek over the trees and Namjoon hadn't slept at all, just sat on the couch in his, Yoongi, and Hoseok's cabin and stared off into space. "Why hasn't he tried to come see me or talk to me yet?" Namjoon asked anxiously. "I should have heard from him by now."

"Don't worry~" Hoseok rubbed his back comfortingly. "You'll hear from Seokjin soon. He's probably just preoccupied right now. With his grandfather and other stuff."

Jimin and Yoongi were watching the exchange from the kitchen, both regarding the alpha with sympathy. "We all knew this was the likeliest outcome, but it still hurts." Jimin commented, leaning against Yoongi.

"Because we know how wrong it is." Yoongi responded, nuzzling against Jimin's hair.

The omega suddenly perked up. "I have an idea!" Before Yoongi could question him, he turned to face him excitedly. "I'm gonna go get Taehyung and Jungkook. Meet us at our old hideout in two hours and bring Hoseok!"

"Wait, what-" Yoongi couldn't even get the question out before Jimin was gone.


"Okay, so we all agree that it's wrong that the pack alpha has denied Seokjin and Namjoon his blessing, and that they deserve to be together." Everyone nodded in agreement to Jimin's statement. "And we all know that Namjoon deserves to be the next pack alpha."

Jungkook and Yoongi both made slight noises of disproval. "He's still got a long way to go..." Jungkook commented, "but he is definitely a better candidate than most of the alphas in this pack."

Jimin clapped his hands. "Okay, so the plan already was to go to the council to challenge Seokjin's grandfather, as we all knew that this could happen. However, Seokjin is out of commission until after the deadline, and Namjoon isn't fully educated on this aspect of pack life yet, so here's our new plan. We're going to go to the council and challenge the pack alpha on their behalf."

"How is that going to work?" Taehyung asked from where he was draped over Jungkook. "I didn't even think it was allowed."

"There's nothing saying it's not allowed. Trust me, I checked." Jimin informed his best friend. "We've witnessed their relationship and Namjoon's efforts to prepare for being pack alpha, and we can be unbiased in our stances to them. I mean, just now when I said Namjoon deserved to be pack alpha, the two of you automatically rejected that because logically he's not quite ready yet." Jungkook and Yoongi nodded slightly in agreement.

Hoseok raised his hand. "Okay, but where do I come in here? The council definitely won't listen to anything I say."

Jimin smiled sadly at Hoseok. "We do need someone to both distract Namjoon and keep his spirits up. If Namjoon finds out we're doing this, he's gonna try to stop us because it's 'not our problem'. And I can't think of anyone better to make someone forget their worries, even temporarily, than you Hobi." Hoseok agreed and the group of friends looked at each other. "So, are we doing this?"

With one more glance, everyone agreed to do whatever it took to make sure Seokjin and Namjoon got to be together.

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