Troy and Abed back together

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"So where will you live now?" Jeff asked Troy who was sitting on the next chair.
Troy couldn't answer. He looked at Abed. He hadn't talk since he saw Troy. He seemed sad. His best friend was there after a long time and he couldn't talk to him. Troy didn't know where to live. He looked at Annie who was looking at him smiling already. She nodded her head telling "yes".
"I guess I'll go with Annie and Abed" he smiled to Jeff. Even though he didn't know if Abed was ready.
"And Britta" Annie added. "Britta is living with us now" Annie was really excited.
"Cool" Troy feigned a smile. He was thinking about Abed. He was worried.

Then, Frankie asked some questions and Troy answered all of them.

Jeff looked at Annie. "Why is she so excited and happy? Few minutes ago she wanted to be alone" he liked that Annie was good now but he was confused. "Does she like Troy?" he thought and laughed a little. "No way. He's like her brother"

Dean was already planning the party and Elroy had learn some things about Troy.

Dean came in and asked if Annie could help him with the party. Her eyes shined. Of course she would love to help. Parties were the best. Her day was much better now so she told the rest of the group she was going to help and walked out with the Dean.

Jeff looked at Troy. He was thinking about Abed. Then, he looked at Abed. He was looking in front of him. He seemed like he had no feelings. Jeff couldn't see them like that so he tried to make them talk.

It was pretty easy because Troy and Abed could communicate only with their eyes so the only thing Jeff did was to force Abed to look at Troy.

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