[0] Grumpy Beginnings

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WELCOME to the Total Drama x gender neutral Reader insert of mine. I've never actually uploaded any of the fanfictions that I've made, so this is all new to me; please be patient.

I would like to shortly go over some things that will help me make this more enjoyable for you.


⇀ Reader/[name] goes by they/them/theirs! If I ever mess this up, please let me know.

Chris is 27 and the contestants are 18-19 in this story! I only changed the ages because I felt uncomfortable with some of the scenes featuring minors and Chris i.e. the "Not too shabby" comment and Gwen's belay incident.

⇀ This story is starting in TD Island, but will hopefully continue throughout the other seasons.

⇀ The times in-between chapters will vary, but will most likely be a long wait. My motivation is all over the place and the chapters do take a long time to write up to my standard.

⇀ This story may not follow along with the show scene for scene: mainly the eliminations.

⇀ At the end of every chapter, I will include a TLDR, or a Too Long, Didn't Read. I understand that my writing is long and descriptive and could get annoying to read for a prolonged amount of time. Or you need a recap of what happened after waiting for the newest chapter. Therefore, I will attempt to include this in every chapter!

⇀ This story is only published on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own. I was thinking about uploading this on AO3 only, but the ability to comment on each paragraph from Wattpad was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I love reading the silly comments! 

⇀ Please do me a favor and write a little about your favorite character and why you enjoy them so much! Either looks or personality, it will really help me with writing the characters and their appeal better (and will make them show up in the story more frequently). This is not mandatory (I'm a silent reader myself who doesn't really interact much besides votes/kudos/hearts), but it will immensely help with making your favorite characters get the proper spotlight they deserve!

⇀ I'm trying to make the characters have depth and character development to them. Instead of Chris being sadistic for no reason or Ezekiel being an insolent sexist, I'll give them some background and reasonings as to why this is. (Ezekiel is going to develop into a better character!)

⇀ I have seen the entirety of the series, however that was roughly five years ago and my memory span typically only lasts up to five days max. I am currently re-watching it and am on Season 2 (at the time this is published), so I may get some characteristics and thoughts of the characters wrong. Please forgive me.


Now the fun stuff! Love interests. Who do you guys want to be love interests for you to woo? Please let me know so I can actually include scenes with them and not totally forget about them.

I already have a few in mind, but pretty much all of the characters are a go ahead. I just need input :)

Characters who have recently become a love interest will be shown at the bottom of the chapter:
i.e.  Noah's heart has begrudgingly become yours. 
↣ Izzy is now crazy in love with you! 
       ↣ Cody finally noticed you! 

Note: The messages are different for each one and will only appear when they finally start developing some romantic feelings towards you. The symbols and the messages also properly reflects how they feel about you. Good luck. 

Please don't be afraid to comment or correct me! I really like interactions and it'll help me keep my focus on the story. If there's something that you don't like, please let me know.

Here are some of the fanfictions that helped inspire and motivate me to write:

Second choice club by Narutoswitch357 !

Fresh Meat by electrikitten !

You only belong to me. by sodakitten94 !

Thank you! Have a wonderful day!

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