Chapter 5: To Be Continued

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"Yes. I don't know how you got out there. I swear," you promise him.

Taehyung nods, "I believe you. I can tell when you're lying. My worry... is that those two men know it too which means... they'll be back"

Oh, fuck.

"What should we do? Should we run? Should we get out of here?" You ask because you don't know what to do in a situation like this. Call the FBI, MI6, the United Nations? You don't know!

"No," Taehyung says with a shake of his head. "If I'm as famous as you say I am, I think it's best to expose myself to as few people as possible."

"So you want to stay here?"

Taehyung smiles at you, "Is that ok?"

"Yes of course! Stay as long as you want."

"Be careful," he says, "I might want to stay forever.

You swallow. He's not flirting, is he? Even now that he knows you're not his wife and you're a liar. Well, it seems that he always knew you were a liar.

"Will you do me a favor?" He asks.

"Sure," you say because of course, you will, you'll do anything for him.

"Can you show me where you found me?"

You nod, awkwardly try to move around him when he grabs your hand, pulls you up short nods to where you were moments ago, on your knees with his cock in your mouth.

"To be continued," he says and your mind blanks with the promise, the possibilities that come rushing to mind at that promise, and... you're a bit shocked because even though you lied, even though he doesn't know who he is... he wants you.

To be continued!

Ten minutes later you and Taehyung are bundled in heavy coats, thick gloves, and wool hats as you stand on your front porch. The porch light is on and you both can see just freshly fallen snow.

"The footsteps of those guys are gone," you comment.

Taehyung nods. "You go first," he says. "I'm going to walk in your footsteps."

You're not sure what that means but you start down the stairs and walk toward where you found him a few feet away, between the barn and the front door. Taehyung walks directly behind you, stepping directly in your footprints in the snow leaving just one set of prints!

"No one can know I'm here," Taehyung informs you as he perfectly leaves only one set of prints behind you. You smile as you keep trudging through the snow, knowing that it's his years of being in sync with BTS that makes him so perfect at this, so precise.

"But I told those guys I was married. Wouldn't they expect two sets?"

Taehyung shakes his head, " I don't think they believed you."

Oh right, you're a horrible liar, apparently.

When you get to the place you're sure you found him it looks very different than it did hours before. The snow wiped away any evidence of where he came from or how he got here.

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