Chapter 7: While You Were Sleeping

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You're wide awake, still thinking about that moment you asked Taehyung to stay here and sleep in this bed with you. You think of every moment after, the way he apologized for bringing danger into your life, the way he rolled you beneath him in the sheets, the way he kissed you. It seems impossible, too perfect to be real. No, not perfect, are you insane? It's too crazy to be real.Too surreal to be believed.

You look down at Taehyung in the dark. His eyes are closed but not squeezed shut in stress, his shoulders are relaxed and his breathing is even. He's finally asleep, getting the rest his body needs for healing, and hopefully what his mind needs for remembering. You don't know what to do if Taehyung wakes up in the morning with no memories of who he is or what happened to him. Men breaking into your house, searching, paints the picture of whatever his time was before coming to you, was very bad.

But he did come to you. Fell from the sky like a gift from the heavens.

That's probably why you can't sleep. So much runs through your mind; fear, confusion, surrealism, and the ever-nagging concern that you're passed out in a ditch somewhere dreaming of your BTS bias. It's possible and probably more realistic than Kim Taehyung showing up on your doorstep with no knowledge of anything but you.

You lean forward, preparing to stand when suddenly his hand slips across the blankets to land softly on your leg, holding you in place. His grip is firm, not painful, but still, you freeze in place. Looking down at him you see that his breathing is still steady and his eyes still closed.

He's still asleep. Grabbing you had to be some kind of reflex. You reach down to gently remove his hand but he doesn't budge from your bare skin, instead... his hand moves, slipping further up your leg, curling it to match the curve of your thigh, delving his fingers into the space between your legs.

You look around the dark and empty room as if someone might see you with Taehyung's hand on your thigh. It's an intimate touch couldn't be intentional. The man is asleep. He obviously doesn't know what he was doing. He has no idea that he's touching you.

You know that V from BTS has to have a certain reputation with the ladies but you doubt even he could attempt a seduction just hours after hiding from intruders.

His fingers push downward, then up, until they brush the juncture of your thighs, sending little shivers of anticipation racing up your spine.

"Or maybe he could," you say aloud. The flutter of his fingers against your sex stops at your words. But just for a second, and an impossible moment where Taehyung thinks about what he's going to do and then decides yes, he is going to touch you.

This can't be happening. He knows you're not his wife, he knows you're virtually strangers to each other, but still... he's touching you.

You squirm, trying to subtly remove him, but he doesn't budge, instead, Taehyung's fingers insinuate themselves even more comfortably, moving deeper between your legs until he cups your pussy with his hands... your belly flutters as pleasure zips through you.

"Please.... Taehyung...your hand..." you tug on his wrist. He growls softly and the lines across his forehead deepen in pleasure. "Taehyung, I don't think—" He presses one long finger along her pussy, teasing your clit with a light touch.

Oh, my. Your brain whispers at the feather-light touch. You're losing grip with reality as you look at his face just inches from your own, his eyes still shut, face serene with sleep. With slow easy strokes, Taehyung begins massaging you, sending spikes of need shooting through your center. You inhaled sharply. How can this be happening? The man is asleep!His fingers continue to move, the rhythm changing to a steady pulse. Even in sleep, Taehyung knows just where to touch you, how to touch and with the perfect amount of intensity.

This is a bad idea. I shouldn't let him do this,you desperately try to remind yourself as your dream man puts himself to work giving you maximum pleasure. You know that amnesia is a form of brain damage. You know that no matter how physically healthy, something is mentally wrong with Taehyung, but your body ignores the logic of your thoughts. You lean back and arch your hips upward, opening your legs until he has full access to your pussy. A soft rumble sounds from Taehyung's throat—a contented, pleasure-filled noise, like the purr of a satisfied lion. He rubs his whole hand up and down, fully massaging your sensitive lips, heightening the tension across your clit.

Your pussy is wet and empty. You moan softly at the sudden sharp desire you have to be filled... by him. You press the tips of your fingers into the solid wall of his chest. Your hips roll in gentle movements as you search for more of the sensations that his hand pulls from deep inside your body. You arch against Taehyung's fingers, pushing him firmly against your clit, focusing his touch, and guiding him.

Heat pours from his fingers and flows through your pussy, driving you on. The pressure growing, the pleasure building. Your shallow breaths bounce off the walls, echoing back at you and filling your ears with the sound. Your hips pump with certainty now, the sweet tightening building until in one sharp moment, it explodes, releases, and scatters tendrils of pleasure through your body. You tense and hold yourself still, trying to maintain sanity as the wild pleasure captures you, holding you in its thrall as pleasure rocks through you...then slowly fades through your body.

After long moments, when her breathing returns to normal, you open your eyes and look down. You left tiny nail marks on Taehyung's chest. He doesn't seem to notice or care. He's still asleep! His hands are between your legs but calm, not moving, caressing or stroking. The hint of a smile hovers over his lips—as if he knows what he's done.

"If that's what he can do in his sleep..." you say to the silent room.

You settle back into bed, sure that the orgasm as sleeping Taehyung just gave you was the perfect balm to rest your racing mind. You need your sleep to face the morning, to face the mystery of the missing Idol, and to face Taehyung after the orgasm he probably won't remember.

A noise in the hall has you jumping up in bed, not sure what you just heard if anything... but your heart is racing. Feeling your unease, Taehyung comes awake beside you, sitting up just as the bedroom door comes crashing open and a team of men comes storming into the room, with guns drawn and pointed directly at you.

"Found him!" Yells the guy in the front, with his eyes locked on Taehyung, his voice carrying loudly through the house.

"Good," says a voice and you tense as footsteps click on the floorboards, getting closer with every creaking step, bringing the villain closer to you.

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