Jace's reaper

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She gripped he cloak as if refusing to leave. It was then that Death realized she truly was the one. He put his hands on her shoulders and whispered "Thank you." He rested his forehead atop her head, and wrapped his arms around her. Jessica sobbed for a minute or so more before quieting.
"What about the book?" She asked, "where does it go?" Death lifted his head and looked at the book he still gripped.
"This book goes on a new shelf" he reluctantly let go of Jessica."Jace is a new soul, there for a new shelf appears. This book will serve as the first chapter in the lives he will live." Jessica slowly released his cloak, and he lead her down the isles of books to a whole isle that was empty, save fore a pile of bones at the far end.
"And those bones will become his reaper?" She asked quietly. He only nodded and made his was toward the end of the shelf. He approached the pile of bones and stretched out his free hand.
The bones began to move and form a full skeleton. When the skeleton waswas standing on its own, a black cloak appeared and wrapped it's self around it. Jessica began to smile. She walked up next to Death. "That's so cool!" She exclaimed. "So that's how you make reapers! I was wondering about that." She looked on at Death's creation with awe.
He then walked to the end of the book shelf and placed the book in which he held on the top shelf. It was the only book in the intire isle.

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