Week 6

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Yoongi left the bathroom to see Jimin burping Hana. "Do you have to go?" The omega pouted, shifting Hana in his arms as he moved to climb off the bed. "Hana's gonna miss you."

"Aww, I'm gonna miss you too, Mochi." Yoongi pressed multiple kisses to his pup's face. "And I'll miss you." Yoongi whispered before pressing his lips to Jimin's.

As the alpha continued to finish getting ready, Jimin followed him around looking like a pup whose favorite toy had just been taken away, his pout even growing when Yoongi finally headed towards the door. "Hey," Yoongi gently prodded Jimin's chin. "I'll be back before you know it."

"Promise?" Jimin asked quietly.

"Of course." Yoongi assured him. "5:00 at the latest." It took a moment, but eventually Jimin nodded, puckering his lips in a silent plea for a kiss. Yoongi indulged him, sweetly kissing him before leaning down to give Hana one more kiss.

"Have a good day." Jimin said as Yoongi opened the door. "Love you."

Before stepping out of the house, Yoongi turned back to kiss Jimin one more time. "Love you." He repeated before forcing himself to leave, closing the door behind him.

Jimin locked the door with a small sigh before looking down at the pup in his arms. "It's just you and me now." He said just as Hana's mouth opened wide in a yawn. "Looks like it's naptime for you." He cooed as he headed to her nursery to put her down for her nap.

First, he grabbed her blanket and laid it out on his chair, laying her on top of it so he could swaddle her. Once she was swaddled, he picked her back up and began to sway slightly with her in his arms as he softly sang a couple verses of Jajangga. When he noticed her starting to doze off, he carefully set her down in her crib. "Goodnight, Mochi. Eomma loves you." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her nose before slowly backing away from the crib. Waiting a few seconds to make sure she was content and not about to start crying, Jimin stepped out of the room and quietly closed the door.

He hurried across the house to his bedroom to grab the baby monitor from where it was charging on his nightstand before carrying it back out to the living room. He flopped onto the couch with a sigh, suddenly at a loss of what to do. Normally, he would be messing with Yoongi while the alpha made them breakfast at this time. But now there was no Yoongi to mess with, and his stomach had started to feel weird, leaving a lack of appetite.


Makayla, the omega at the front desk, greeted Yoongi enthusiastically when he entered the building. "Welcome back! We've missed you!"

"I've missed being here." Yoongi smiled at her as he held his badge up to the scanner to let him out of the lobby and into the rest of the building. "How have you been?"

"I'm good. How's your pup?"

"She's perfect." Yoongi answered with a bright smile before stepping into the hallway, walking past a few doors until he reached his classroom. Upon entering the room, he was brought to an almost immediate stop at a very large change that had happened while he'd been gone. "What the..." He stood there for a good few minutes until Jamie, one of his coteachers entered the room.

"Welcome back, Yoongi!"

"What happened to our table?" He asked, gesturing to the empty space that used to hold one of the three tables for the pups to sit at. Looking around, he noticed that some of their pups' pictures had been moved to fill the other two tables, leaving them a bit crowded.

Jamie giggled a bit before answering. "Yeah, um, Amiya broke it."

Yoongi turned to her and slowly blinked. "Amiya?"

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