1st Birthday

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It was 6:30 on the dot when Jimin woke up to the sounds of Hana talking through the monitor on his nightstand. This wasn't unusual as that's the time Yoongi's alarm would go off on weekdays and the alpha would begin getting their daughter ready for the day. But what was unusual was the wave of emotions that washed over Jimin as he climbed out of bed to go to her nursery.

Hana was standing up in her crib, holding tightly onto the bars as she babbled out across the empty room. When she saw Jimin, her entire face lit up and she started babbling more aggressively. "Hi, my little mochi!" Jimin greeted happily as he walked over to her crib to pick her up. "Are you surprised to see me? You were probably expecting Daddy, huh?"

"Uh ma!"

"Daddy's still sleeping because there's no school for you today." Jimin explained to her as he hugged her close. "Mochi gets the day off today because it's a very special day." He playfully tapped her nose, bringing a loud giggle out of her. "You see, exactly one year ago--well, it'll be exactly one year at about 3:00 this afternoon--Eomma was talking to Halmeoni when my tummy started cramping. I didn't really think anything of it at first, but it didn't stop, and that's when I knew that you were telling me you were ready to come out."

Hana babbled again as if responding, reaching up and lightly grabbing at Jimin's lips. "Yeah, you were. So, when Daddy got home, we went to the hospital, and Tae Tae and Jinnie came to keep us company. And even though I was hurting a lot, we still had a lot of fun while we waited for you to come." He pressed a kiss to Hana's fingers that were still on his mouth. "And when you did come out, you were the most beautiful little puppy I'd ever seen. You still are, but the moment I first saw you, all I could think about was how special you are, and I already couldn't imagine you not being in my life. And after watching you grow this year, I can't even remember what life was like before having you."

"Uh ma~" Hana said again, now tugging at Jimin's shirt.

Jimin felt tears threatening to spill over as he pressed a kiss to Hana's forehead. "I love you so much, my little mochi. Happy birthday." As Jimin continued to press kisses all over her face, Hana began to grow fussy while tugging harder at his shirt. "You want some milk?" He asked before heading over to the yellow chair in the corner of the room.

Yoongi came into the nursery just as Hana began nursing. "Silly me for thinking she might sleep in today." The alpha yawned and rubbed his eyes before sitting on the floor by the chair. "Happy birthday, Mochi." Yoongi whispered as he lightly tickled Hana's foot, making her giggle before suckling again. He then put his hand on Jimin's knee, rubbing it lightly. "How are you doing?"

"Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't started crying yet." Jimin said with a laugh as Yoongi pressed a soft kiss to his knee. "I can't believe our little puppy is a year old already." He practically whispered, lightly stroking Hana's cheek as he gazed down at her.

"I know." Yoongi hummed, resting his chin on Jimin's thigh as he watched Hana. "But on the other hand, her being a year old means we're doing something right." Jimin giggled. "I'm serious, not only is she still alive, but she's happy and healthy. Obviously, we're kick ass parents."

"One can hope." Jimin said as Hana unlatched and sat up, wiggling in Jimin's lap so she could get to his other breast. He sighed almost sadly. "I'm gonna miss the little puppy days."

Yoongi rubbed his leg comfortingly. "We still have a lot of little puppy days ahead of us." Yoongi reminded him. "Don't worry too much about the future. Just live in the present and enjoy."

Jimin looked away from Hana to smile softly at his mate. "I love you." Yoongi responded by pressing another kiss to his knee.


"Happy birthday, dear Hana...happy birthday to you!" Jimin had to try really hard not to cry as they placed a tiny plain smash cake in front of Hana. Rather than throwing a big birthday bash to celebrate, they had agreed on just having their friends and family over for dinner and a small celebration, hence why everyone was currently sitting or standing in their kitchen with Hana smiling and clapping in her highchair.

Hana's eyes widened at the treat in front of her, the pup reaching out to delicately pick some of the sprinkles off the top. She put the sprinkles in her mouth and giggled, waving her arms excitedly before picking more off. "I think we should have just poured some sprinkles on her tray instead of getting a whole cake." Yoongi commented as he took a few pictures of her.

Jimin giggled before reaching out to pinch off a small piece of cake, holding it up to Hana's mouth. The 12-month-old eyed it before opening her mouth to let Jimin feed it to her, her eyes lighting up in delight at the taste of the sugary dessert. "There we go." The omega laughed as his pup began to properly dig into her birthday cake. "Someone's gonna need a bath tonight."

"Tell me about it." Seokjin murmured, although he was staring at his own pup who was enjoying a cupcake Jimin had offered the toddler after dinner. He shook his head in amusement at Jae's messy face before turning to Jimin, throwing his arm around the younger omega's shoulders. "You done good." Jimin snorted and brushed him off. "I'm serious. You're such a good Eomma."

Jimin felt his cheeks heat up slightly and he shook his head a bit before turning back to Hana, seeing Yoongi crouched down to her height with his mouth open, letting her feed him tiny, mashed up bites of cake. "Only because Yoongi's the best dad. I probably would have had a nervous breakdown a long time ago if it weren't for him."

"I mean, I don't know about the best." Seokjin said teasingly, glancing at his own mate for a second. "But he is pretty good. We know how to pick 'em, don't we?" Jimin giggled and nodded in agreement as he pulled out his phone to record Yoongi and Hana.

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