Month 12

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"Come on, Yoongi!" Jimin called out to his mate as he fixed Hana's hair into some semblance of a ponytail--at least he did his best with how little hair she had. "We still gotta take pictures before the others get here!"

"I am not wearing this!"

Jimin glared in the direction of their bedroom. "Yes, you are! You promised we could do a family costume!"

Yoongi stomped out of their room, his pout only looking more adorable thanks to the extremely furry Sully costume he was wearing. "That was before you made me put on this monstrosity."

"It's cute!" Jimin insisted as he stood up, propping Hana on his hip as he walked across the living room to Yoongi. "Plus, you have to be the Sully to our Boo!" He held Hana out to him, the 11-month-old giggling and reaching out to grab at some of the fur on Yoongi's costume.

Yoongi continued to pout at the omega. "Why couldn't you be Sully?"

"Because I'm already Mike Wazowski." He deadpanned just as the doorbell rang. "Guess we'll just get whoever that is to take our picture." He huffed as he placed Hana in Yoongi's arms so he could go answer the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Jungkook dramatically fell to the floor, clutching his side that was decorated with fake blood, and Taehyung quickly placed Minhee, who was dressed in a shark costume, one top of him. "No, Jungkook!" The omega then dramatically wailed, falling to his knees next to the alpha, all while their pup giggled on top of Jungkook's stomach.

"Y'all are so extra." Jimin giggled. "Are you going to do that at every house we go to?"

"Yes." Jungkook said completely seriously as he sat up and pressed a kiss to Minhee's cheek.

Taehyung just laughed as he looked up, falling quiet as he looked at Yoongi. "Jimin, why is there a furry in your living room."

"That's it, I'm changing."

"No, you are not!" Jimin ran to intercept Yoongi, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to the center of the living room so he could grab his phone from the couch. "Do you mind taking a picture of us?"

Taehyung happily agreed and snapped a few pictures of the family. When he was done, the others arrived--Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jae in matching Minions costumes and Hoseok dressed like a giant blunt. "You're gonna piss off so many parents that come to trick or treat." Namjoon laughed, as Hoseok had offered to man the trick or treat bowl while the couples took their kids for a quick trick or treating trip around the neighborhood.

"That was the goal." Hoseok shot him a finger gun.

"Thanks again, Hobi." Yoongi said as the got ready to head out. "I feel like we're excluding you."

Hoseok shrugged. "I figure it's bound to happen sometimes now that I'm the only single and pupless one in the group. As long as we still get to have our own grown-up Halloween party when y'all get back." They all assured Hoseok that they would as they left the house to begin their trek around the neighborhood.

"Jae's so happy to have friends to trick or treat with this year." Seokjin said as he held Jae's hand, everyone matching the toddler's pace to the next-door house. "Isn't that right?"

"Tic-teat!" Jae exclaimed, waving his trick or treat bag around. "Canny!"

"He's talking so much now!" Jimin gushed.

Namjoon nodded. "He really is. Has Hana said anything yet?"

"No, but I think she's getting close to saying Dada." Yoongi boasted, making Jimin roll his eyes. "I've been working on it with her."

"Excuse me, but I carried her for nine months, went through eight hours of labor to birth her, and have fed her from my breasts for nearly an entire year. If her first word is anything but 'Eomma', she's going to the firehouse." Jimin said.

"I think it might too late for that."

Jimin shrugged. "Then we'll figure something else out."


Jimin entered Hana's nursery and saw her already standing up in her crib, holding onto the bars. "Did you have a nice nap, Mochi?" Hana smiled widely and babbled as Jimin crossed the room to pick her up. "You seem happy." The 11-month-old continued to babble. "Daddy's watching a movie. Do you wanna go snuggle with him for a bit before we get a snack?"

"Uh ma~"

The omega froze a bit, looking at his pup with wide eyes. "Did you just-"

"Uh ma!" Hana exclaimed with more feeling, even patting at Jimin's chest as if to make her point.

"You did! My little mochi!" He smothered her face in kisses until she was giggling brightly. "Time to go gloat to Daddy." He skipped out of the nursery. "Oh, Yoongi!" Yoongi hummed in response. "Guess what Mochi just did." Yoongi looked up, a soft smile immediately appearing on his face at the sight of his pup. "Go on, Mochi. Do it again!"

After Jimin's encouragement, Mochi squealed in delight before once again saying, "Uh ma!"

Despite Yoongi's excitement over Hana's first word, the competitive side of him had him frowning over it not being 'Daddy'. "Ha! I'm the favorite!" Just as Jimin exclaimed that, Hana started wiggling and pushing away from his chest while looking at her father.

Smirking, Yoongi stood up from the couch and took Hana from Jimin's arms, the 11-month-old immediately snuggling against him. "You were saying?" Jimin responded by simply sticking his tongue out before stomping to the kitchen for a snack.


Jimin had just finished making the bed in the guest room when he heard the front door open and close. Unable to contain his squeals of excitement, he ran back out to the living room and immediately threw himself into his father's arms. "Appa!"

"Oh, my Jiminie, I've missed you." The alpha said with a chuckle, squeezing Jimin in a tight hug before releasing him so he could greet his mother.

"How's that little puppy?" Jimin's mother asked as she hugged him.

"She's good." Jimin said as he pulled away, smiling at both of his parents. "She's sleeping right now."

"I think I might just pop in to say hi for a moment."

Yoongi and Jimin shared panicked looks before stopping her. "She's teething so it was already hard enough to get her down." Jimin informed her. "So, let's wait until she gets up in the morning and then you can see her."

"But I haven't seen her in nearly a whole year-"

"And you can wait a little longer." Jimin said more firmly. His mother frowned but thankfully Jimin's father was able to encourage her to head to the guest room instead of trying to guilt Jimin into disturbing his pup's sleep. "Why am I already regretting flying them out for Hana's birthday?"

"Because you're tired and stressed." Yoongi answered. "So, we'll have a quick cup of tea to catch up with your parents and then go to bed." The alpha pressed a kiss to his forehead before heading to the kitchen with Jimin close behind.

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