facing hell

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"Y-N!" I groan as I roll out of bed trying to recover from the hard work yesterday "y-yeah?" I say waiting for a reply but not one I was expecting "DONT YELL YEAH FROM THERE! GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND GET IN HERE!" I took a moment processing in my mind "wait...lazy? the moment I wake up I have to do dishes take rubbish out sweep the floor feed the dog and look after my brother's while making them food"

I get up and stumbled out the door and towards the stairs. I reach the kitchen to where my mom is and sat down on the seat to wake up abit "well, don't sit there get up and get your brother's breakfast ready" I get up and groan abit as my bones crack. the minute I turn around something got slammed against my mouth almost hard enough to knock me off balance, I held my lips in pain as a single tear escaped my eye "I don't want to ever hear you moan like that again you hear me" I nodded as I got to the cupboard and reached for 2 bowls and some fruit loops filling the 2 bowls with milk and cereal as the 2 boys came in "mommy! can I Play on the iPad please???" I looked over hoping she would say yes "yes, after you eat breakfast" I looked at her and asked "m-mom? am I allowed my phone? after I do my work?" she gave me a death stare "hmm ...no you don't deserve it" I tried not to cry

time skip cause I'm lazy (:

after all my work was done I went into my room and layed down crying abit, I was thinking about leaving and never coming back to this horrible place to show them how it feels to not have a daughter. time passed so quickly I didn't even have anything to eat or drink cause I was in the room mostly in my free time, it was 9:36 pm at night and every one was asleep I opened my window abit nervous that someone might wake up, I shook off that feeling and climbed out the window with my bag full of my things that mean a lot to me. I looked around to find a way down and saw a ledge leading to a fence where the bins are "perfect" I whispered while slowly making my way across the ledge but came accross my mom's window, she was awake and was reading a book, I quickly slid away from her window and made it to the fence slowly trying to balance myself accross it and jumping off onto the bins and onto the grass "phew lucky that's over now" I said to myself before sneaking out of the driveway and towards the nearest road. it was now 11:19 pm and it was starting to rain while I was walking beside the highway and was starting to get cold and tired I came accross a little cafe where my old friend used to work "hmm, I wonder if (bff) is still working there if she is I hope she will remember me" I said as I reached the doors opening them and stepping inside while all my cloths where soaking wet "AY Y-N!?" I heard a familiar voice yell from the counter "(b-bff)?" I say not too loud but enough for her to hear "you look like a mess what happened?" she said while walking over with a towel and a hot chocolate
"I've been going through slot with my mom but it's over now" she looked at me with wide eyes "oh no you di-int" she said sarcastically "y-yeah I ran away and I'm quite hungry" I say with a slight smile "stay there I'll be back soon" she turned and started walking back to the counter I turned to look out the window and saw a faint shape of an old building fon a distance "I wonder if it's open" I said to myself "here ya go" I turned to see a plate full of hot fish chips "i-i got no money..." she smiled a pushed it to me "don't worry I'll pay for It out of my earnings" I smiled and thanked her "I'm do you have any takeaway containers" I asked nervously "yes of course" she smiled walking away and coming back with a container. I filled the container with the food and hugged her goodbye as I headded to the door "oh y-n! here!" I turned around and she gave me an umbrella and her thick coat with fur on the hood "thankyou so much (bff)" I said leaving with a smile and walking beside the highway again eating bits of my food as I kept getting feelings about that place I saw out the window "f^ck it I've gotta check it out" I say swiftly turning around and start running accross the highway and felt something smash into me knocking me over but I managed to get up and run towards the pathway on the other side leaving a blood trail "i-it hurts so bad" I say limping over to the abandoned building and walking over to the door. it was locked but I found a small gap where some glass was broken so I slid through the gap and ended up cutting my lower torso while blood was just all over the place I got up and looked around  and saw a painting of a blue creature
another time skip bought to you by your one and only lazy mf (◕ᴗ◕✿)
once I got my grabpack I looked over to see a door with a blue hand print so I fired the hand at it and the door started to open slowly revealing a tall blue statue on a stand I walked up to it and sat down beside it leaning on its leg it was soft and fuzzy I looked at the time and it was 1:26 am "shit its really late I need to sleep" I layed back looking up at the statues face "he is cute hehe" I reached my hand out to it and stroked its fur on its leg as I felt sleepy slowly closing my eyes.

(AN) yayy first story part done just over 1k words yashhh! There will be more >:3

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