best buddies

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I woke up to the sun beaming on my face I still had some food left over from last night so I ate a few chips and sat up looking down at my injuries but my leg was wrapped in a cast I was confused because I never went to the hospital last night not even just a stranger "that's strange" I look up at the statue only to see it gone "great" I say getting up and looking down a hall way that was open, I walked down it and saw 2 doors one said on the sign "stairway to hell"? I turned and saw a blue fuzzy arm slide into the room "okay ima gonna run into him eventually right?" I say pushing the door open and walking down the long dark hallway

you know what time it is ..time skip ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
i made it to the make a Friend machine that was hard, I looked at the button and pressed it but it didn't work I went to press it again and saw it needed power "damn I'm an idiot" I say to myself as I made my way up stairs missing the VCR tape and started connecting the circuit poles to the generator starting the power
I made my way down stairs and pressed the button to the machines but nothing "damnitt why does this ha-" I was cut off by a loud roar coming from the machines that shocked me enough to almost stumble back, I pulled 3 leavers and waited for my new toy while I was eating my food, when it was finished I picked it up "aw its so cute" I said as I carried it towards the door and placed it on a scanning stand I accepted it and the door opened reavialing 2 doors and a dark hallway but both doors where locked so I had no choice but to go down the hall, I gulped as I nervously walked towards the hall and all of a sudden I heard a low growl come from there and saw the blue creature again this time its mouth was open revealing rows of sharp razor like teeth, I screamed and ran away trying to find a way to escape and saw an open vent so I ran towards it but before I could reach it something harshly yanked my leg pulling me down on the ground I layed there processing what was happening until I saw him, the blue creature towering over me I tried to crawl away but I was in so much Pain I couldn't move I wanted him to end me right there and then so I built up the courage to stand up and it lowered its self to my height as its mouth was still open I took a deep breath and said "just end me now" I closed my eyes and waited for it to tear me to shreds but nothing happened I opened my eyes and saw it staring at me in confusion so I walked forwards and shoved my head in its mouth but it pushed me away and looked at me really confused "w-why arnt you attacking me?" I asked but it tilted its head as if to say "why would I attack?" It stood up as its height was about 11 ft tall "woah your tall" I reached my hand out to touch him but he flinched and stepped back as if he didn't want to be touched "s-sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I said holding my hands nervously he let out a low quiet growl almost resembling a purring sound "O-oh okay" I say pretending that I know what he's saying, he tilted his head as he pointed to my leg that was wrapped in the cast "oohhh you did that?" his smile was no longer a sinister smile instead it was a warm welcoming smile as he nodded, I reached my arm out to him once more this time he didn't move but he was tense and stiff "its ok im not gonna hurt you" I said as my hand rested on his leg, he stayed still for a bit before sitting down beside me while I reached for his head and gave him little Pats on the head "hah your a weird thing arnt ya?" I said, a few seconds of patting him I heard soft low growls resembling a cat purring, his mouth was now closed no longer revealing his sharp teeth. I stroked both sides of his face and smiled now forgetting he could literally tear me to shreds

A-N) like I said...there will be more 😏 and woohoo 772 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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