Chapter Eight

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Tuesday Mornings, I've decided- since I don't have my first class until ten- that I will make it a tradition to spend them in the cozy little café where Daniel just so happens to work. No, this isn't because he's working there, that is simply a happy coincidence. I actually enjoy the quiet homeliness of it all. Plus their coffee is pretty decent considering how cheap they sell it for, for the poor college students here.

I take in a breath of crisp morning air before pulling the café's door open being greeted by the tiny bell attached to the top. "Good Morning Ma'am. Take a seat wherever you'd like. We'll take your order momentarily." An older woman smiles at me as she pours a gentleman reading the newspaper more coffee. I nod at her appreciatively and walk over to the small table by the window that I seem to gravitate to. I am indeed a creature of habit. I can't help myself. Having a routine makes things much easier and less stressful. However I am not one of those people who freak out when something abnormal happens. I welcome change but prefer routine- if that makes sense.

I glance out the window and pull out the small laminated menu that is wedged in between the condiments. The breakfast menu has the norm; eggs, pancakes, grits, oatmeal, waffles, whatever you want really. Usually places like these would even cook things that are off menu so long as they have the recipe and ingredients. "Hello ma'am. I will be your server today." A deep voice rants his routine waiter lines. "My name is Daniel. Can I get you some-" I whip my head up from the menu and meet my eyes with emerald green ones. "Daniel!" I interrupt him with a huge grin. Suddenly I realize how desperate that could have sounded. Dang it, Spencer. Pull yourself together. He more than likely didn't miss you near as much as you missed him. Guys don't day dream constantly about a girl they just met. My cheeks flush as I try to figure out a way to take back the excitement I'd just shone him. And so, being the typical teenage girl, I try to cover it up with a cough and pretend it never happened. He smirks at me and I already know I've lost. He knows I like him. I'm doomed. He's going to freak out and run away from the freshman fool that I am. "Hey Spence." Daniel flashes his perfect teeth at me making me want to swoon at his use of my nickname. Memories flash through my head of Daniel and I dancing, reminding me of the party. "Hey sorry I ditched the party. Something came up and it couldn't wait." I tell him trying to keep it as close to the truth as possible. Melt downs are definitely not something that can wait, so I'm not lying. I give him my best smile but lying has never been a strong suit of mine. He looks me over once and brushes it off. "No big deal babe. Now what can I get you to drink?" He asks me sweetly.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! Daniel called me babe!" I squeal to myself like a little school girl. On the inside I'm dying but somehow on the outside I manage to keep my composure for once in my life in front of him. I smile slightly and set down the menu, clasping my hands together and resting them on top. "I'd like a coffee. Also I'd like to order now if that is okay with you." He nods as he scribbles something on his notepad.

"What would you like to eat?" He asks me.

"I want the pancake combo but with sausage instead of bacon." I hand him the menu and he takes it from me after writing down my order.

"Got it. I'll be back with your coffee in a minute." Daniel flashes me another grin and sticks the pen and notepad into his apron pocket. Turning on his heel he struts away. "How can someone wearing a uniform like that look so damn hot...?" I whisper to myself, biting my lip subconsciously. I hear a chuckle from behind me and see the old lady that had greeted me earlier taking the orders from the couple behind me. She winks at me letting me know she'd heard what I had said and I'm absolutely mortified. My face turns cherry red in a matter of seconds and so I hide it within my hands. I feel someone pat me on the back and I peek out of the crack between my fingers to see the lady walk away laughing to herself. Hopefully she won't say anything to Daniel. That would be way worse than the day I told him he was beautiful to his face.

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