Chapter Twenty One

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Spencer's POV

I close my romance novel when I hear the front door open and close. Sophie's back, I think to myself. Max had texted me a few hours ago letting me know that he was going to tell her tonight. Now it's my turn. Reluctantly, I stand up and make my way to her. I pass Rainey, who fell asleep on the couch watching TV, and halt at one of our bar stools. I sit down and turn to Sophie. "Hey Sophie can we-" I start but Sophie interrupts me, putting her hand up. "Can we just talk about it later?" She asks me but walks away not waiting for a response. Her bedroom door closes before I even attempt to move again. "She hates me!" I cry out and fall onto the couch next to the one Rainey is on. Rainey stirs at the noise I'm making but stays asleep. Good, I think to myself, I don't want her apart of my shame and humiliation.

After about thirty minutes I get up because I still have to apologize to her and do everything in my power to make it right again. I open the freezer and pull out a tub of ice cream and grab one spoon. I'd grab another but at the moment I don't feel very deserving of ice cream. When I reach her door I rap on it softly. I know she's mad at me and I feel so guilty. There was no response so I turn to door knob and come to find out she had locked it. I screwed up so badly, I hate myself so much in this moment. A few tears fall from my face and my throat tightens. "Please let me apologize to you in person. Please let me in Sophie." My voice comes out choked and broken. After a few moments I hear feet touch the ground and walk over to the door. When the door opens I assumed I would feel relieved but seeing her tear stained face only breaks my heart more. "What have I done?" Echoes through my entire being and makes me suffer for it. My voice disappears at the sight of her heart broken being and all I can manage to do is lift up the ice cream as a peace offering. Sophie looks me over for a moment, gives me a small, forced smile and accepts the ice cream. Moving to the side, she lets me in her room and closes the door behind her. Not sure of what to do I sit at the edge of her bed and fold my legs underneath me. Sophie joins me on her bed and opens the tub and scoops up a bite of ice cream. "You have to know that it was unintentional." I tell her with urgency. She takes another bite before responding.

"You accidentally grabbed my boyfriend's face and your lips happened upon his?" Her words weren't cruel, or demeaning. She was calm and asking me sincerely if I believed that. Of course I wanted to but putting that way it did seem like the kiss would have to be entirely intentional. "I was just tired and my emotions were all mixed up with my mom being there and stuff..." I began to anxiously play with a loose thread on her comforter. "I promise you I didn't do it with the intention of hurting you! I don't even have feelings for Max other than as a friend." She smirked at me at that and I stared at her in confusion. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," She said as she scooped another bite. She gestured the tub towards me and I shook my head "no". "So uhm, if you don't have feelings for him than why'd you kiss him?" She smiled at me with a devious smile and I stared at her with bewilderment.

"I, I don't know? I told you I was confused. Are we okay Soph? I really am sorry." I feel so small, hoping that she'll forgive me and not hate me forever.

"Yeah of course; I mean I'm kind of pissed that you kissed him but when you're trying to suppress feelings for someone so hard it tends to back fire pretty dramatically." I stared at her in confusion for a good minute before I could actually respond to what she just said. She thinks I like Max? I'm dating Daniel I like him not Max; he's just a friend. "I'm not trying to suppress feelings for Max." I reply.

"Well if you were, it would make sense. You met him and Daniel around the same time. Daniel was a lot more forward with you than Max was. Max almost didn't even have a chance. So because Daniel was more forward you started going on dates with him and by the time the two of you started dating it was no longer okay to explore how you felt about Max. Therefore you suppressed any interest you had in Max and pushed him towards other girls in hope that you would stop feeling anything for him. I get it, it's okay. I still feel hurt but I understand why it happened and you obviously feel remorseful for what you did and so I can forgive you for that." I sat there in shock at the maturity of Sophie. I mean, she was wrong but if what she said had actually been the case then it's incredible that she can be so understanding. I don't understand why she thinks I like Max though. I mean, yeah I kissed him but it meant nothing!

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