~ Introduction ~

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Boyoung's pov:

Hi everyone my name is Boyoung or Boo for short. I'm currently schooling in Seoul high school. I have a 4.0 GPA and trying to get into Seoul Science college. You may be wondering, why do I want to go there? Well my dad went there and ever since he passed, I did my best to get into the school he went to. 

Anyway, apart from my life as a student, let me share you more about myself. I have a bestfriend named Eun ji. We have been inseparable since kindergarten. She beat up a kid who made fun of my lunch box and since then, she's always been there for me.

She drives me to school every morning and it has become a daily habit. "Come on, I have a bio test to fail!' she says as I walk towards her car. Eun ji doesn't care about her grades because she is gonna be a professional dancer. 

Eun ji is part of the schools dance team while I am student body president. Complete opposites but if you know science you may know that opposites attract.

So tomorrow is my interview to getting into my dream school, Seoul Science College. Wish me good luck! :)

A/n: hi everyone. Author here. So this book is inspired by a movie called "work it". There will be some things that I'll change so I wont be copying the whole entire thing. If you are unhappy with my idea of taking it from a movie I'm terribly sorry. Anyway, stay safe out there. Bye! <3 

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