Chapter 5

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It's been three days since I passed out at school. Geez, that was so embarrassing. I'll never go to bed late on a school night again. Especially since my dazed self decided to make an even bigger fool out of myself by checking Elija out in front of everyone.

I don't even want to know what I must have looked like, white as a sheet of paper and sweaty. Meanwhile, he looked so frustratingly beautiful. I really don't know why he won't wear tank tops more often, especially in summer. No idea how he survives in those hoodies all year.

The way he left me as quickly as possible was a slap in the face. It's silly since I didn't need his help anymore and he had no reason to stick around but I didn't even get the chance to thank him.

I've been going mad ever since. There's just no way to get a good read on that guy. He has been acting like always but now my mind is working overtime trying to decipher what every little gaze or smile could mean. What if I'm making a complete fool out of myself, reading into something that isn't there? He probably smiles at everyone. What if he has a partner? Oh geez, I wouldn't know since I've never talked to him. Would him having a partner make me a homewrecker? Maybe I've been looking at him suggestively and am making him uncomfortable.

"Florence?" My head snaps up and I'm greeted by an expectant-looking Mr. Hank. The teacher raises a greying eyebrow and my heart drops a bit. Since when do I zone off so badly in class? I've never had to ask a teacher to repeat a question.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," I tell him while tapping a familiar rhythm with my finger on my thigh. The smile on my face feels forced but I keep it up in an attempt to smooth the line between my teacher's brows.

"We were talking about the trip in two weeks. You said you had a tent for twelve people, right?" he asks.

"Right. Yes, I do." My smile starts feeling a bit more natural with each time I repeat my rhythm. It's a trick I learned when I first started getting anxious. I don't even remember how I came up with that melody.

Mr. Hank clears a few more things up about the annual camping trip before the class is dismissed and my classmates leave for lunch.

Since I managed to forget my book at home today, I end up listening to music and thinking about the camping trip. I already asked my parents if I could use our old tent for the trip this year and they agreed. After last year's disaster, as they called it, they didn't need much convincing.

You see, last year the school didn't organize enough tents for all the students, leaving us to sleep in our sleeping bags beneath the stars. I loved it, feeling the soft breeze skim my skin and listening to the rustling leaves in the wind lulled me to sleep like nothing else could.

My parents disagreed. They didn't think it was magical but barbaric, sleeping amongst the bugs and worms like animals. Other than that, they were sure all the creeps were watching me sleep. Honestly, what creeps? Sure, there are idiots at this school like at any other, but I can't think of a creep. Besides, I'm sure there are more interesting subjects to watch if it came down to it

I look up from my hands when the door opens. Today, Elija is alone and my heart skips a beat with excitement. He smiles at me before sitting down and eating his food. Meanwhile, I force myself to keep my gaze on my phone and not watch him eat. Maybe I should renounce my prior statement. Maybe I'm the creep parents are worried about. I hate that idea.

I'd do homework or study but there aren't any exams coming up and I've finished all my assignments early.

Once Elija has finished his food, I gather all my courage and look at him.

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