Chapter 9

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They're with her. Literally, my whole friend group apart from me is with the girl I haven't been able to get out of my head since I left her house yesterday.

After my mom got home last evening and we ate dinner, my dad pulled me aside to speak to me. I tried to explain what's going on between Florence and me as well as I could. Not that there was much to tell.

Anyways, I'm currently in the car with the twins. I took them to the zoo so my parents could sleep in and now we're looking for a place to get dinner.

I saw Jamie's picture right before getting into the car and have been conflicted ever since. I know it would be a bad idea to go to the pizza place my friends are at because one, I'd look like an obsessive stalker, and two, the twins shouldn't meet Florance.

The chances of them liking her and getting attached are too high. Besides, they're little kids with no filter which could get me into trouble or end up very embarrassing.

On the other hand, I really want to see her. And my friends, of course. It definitely has nothing to do with jealousy, I simply miss my friends.

"Hey guys, you in the mood for pizza?" I ask over my shoulder.

"Yeah!" they agree quickly. I love how excitable the twins are even though they're tired from the long day. At least the house will be calm tonight for once.

It takes us twenty minutes to arrive at Paolo's and I have my fingers crossed that my friends are still here. As soon as we enter the restaurant, I know they are since familiar laughter hits my ears like music.

She's sitting in a booth at the far corner, her head thrown back while her hand covers her face. I hate how she hides when I'm sure she looks best when she's laughing.

I walk over on autopilot, my siblings at each hand, and only notice my friends when Liam speaks to me. "Thought you couldn't make it today?" I'm not usually an aggressive person but that guy really pushes my buttons. The way he speaks with his nose pointing to the ceiling. Like, relax, you're not better than us because you're coming from old money.

"Change of plans, these two were hungry," I tell the group as I desperately try not to look at Florence. I can feel she's watching me and it's making me nervous as it is. If I meet those pretty emerald eyes now, I won't be able to look away and my friends will make a comment.

"Heyy, where are my favorite twins?" Jamie says playfully. In the bat of an eye, my hands are no longer being held and my two little companions jump at my friend. They adore him just like he seems to do in return. They're little kids, they're obsessed with all of my friends- Liam not included, I said friends- but they have the strongest bond with Jamie.

"Who is she?" Daniel suddenly asks, apparently just now noticing Florence. The girl's cheeks grow red and she sinks further into her seat, apparently uncomfortable even under the attention of a five-year-old.

"That, my friend, is Florence," Jamie explains. Florence gives the twins a little wave and smiles at them. It's the most adorable sight.

"She's pretty," May announces and I can't help but chuckle along with my friends. I'm about to agree with her when Florence speaks up first.

"That coming from you is the best compliment I've ever received. I don't think I've ever seen a face as cute as yours," she replies and now it's my sister's turn to shily turn into Jamie's chest.

"What about me?" Daniel demands, evoking a few more laughs.

"Don't worry, buddy. You'll grow up to be the most handsome man anyone has ever seen," Marcus promises, causing Florence's head to snap his way. I guess she's never heard him this affectionate or seen such a warm smile on his face. She should see the way he acts towards his own sister.

"Even more handsome than Elija?" my brother asks, making my heart swell to the size of a football.

"That ogre? Of course!" replies blondie.

Both of my siblings look like they've just been told that it's Christmas. I'm glad I took them here tonight.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Daniel whispers to Jamie loud enough for the whole table to hear, obviously referring to Florence. For the first time, the girl meets my eyes only to look away hurriedly. I'm just trying to stay quiet and let my friend answer.

"No, little dude, sadly not," he says playfully.

"Why not? Is she not nice?" May asks.

"Ricky was nice. Right Eli?" my brother adds. Thereby, he successfully causes a tense moment of silence. My friends might not know all the details about my breakup with Ricky but they know enough.

"Sure," I say with an attempted smile.

"And no, May, Florence is very nice," Jamie swoops in.

"Then why-" my brother cuts my sister off.

"Because he's into guys! We've been over this," he declares proudly, causing the whole table to erupt with laughter. In the corner of my eye, I see Florence. Her laugh's different from the one before and I can't help but feel it's because of the Ricky comment. I doubt she knows the girl since she doesn't go to our school but she must have picked up on the change of the mood.

Our group orders another three pizzas to share. Throughout the meal everyone, even Florence, seems to be in a good and relaxed mood.

"We're hanging out afterward, you coming too? Maybe your brother can pick the twins up," Marcus asks.

"We want to come!" May protests.

"You've had a long day and it's time for bed soon. You'll go home with Kai," I tell them. Maybe they know how tired they really are since they don't try to protest. I text my brother, glad he has his own car since I took my parents' this morning.

Ten minutes later, I've said goodbye to my siblings and am on my way to Liam's shed. It's not an actual shed but it's what we call it for the lack of a better word. The "shed" is bigger than my room and secluded from the rest of his parents' estate. Therefore, a good place to hang out without anyone calling the cops or being disturbed.

I'm in the car with Jamie since Florence drives Benji's car and the other guys came together.

"About that Ricky comment, you good?" he asks me carefully.

"Yeah, whatever. Thanks for the safe, dude." He nods as if it were no big deal. It is to me.

"What's going on between Flo and you, by the way? The tension between you two could have been cut by a knife this evening."

"There's nothing going on," I insist. After all, there really isn't anything worth telling and I don't want to be the kind of person that starts gossip. Nope, I'm going to keep whatever thoughts I might have about it to myself until there's more to tell. Not that my friend seems to believe me but he doesn't push.

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