Chapter 8

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I narrow my eyes, trying to figure out what's wrong with the portrait I'm working on. I keep adding and deleting layers, adjusting shadows and highlights but it's still missing something. It's driving me mad.

Just when I'm about to snap and throw my iPad away, a startling sound cuts through the silence. My phone's ringing and I turn to see Benji's name on my screen. I'm surprised since we're not the type of friends that call each other. We get along well but our relationship is usually tied to our time at school.

With each second I stare at my screen as if it were an alien, I grow more anxious. What if he's hurt? He wouldn't call me though. It's probably a butt-dial.

When my brain finally snaps out of the loop, I pick up the phone.

"Benji?" I ask slowly.

"Get your ass out here, we're going to the movies," he simply replies.

"This is Florence," I clarify only for him to laugh at me.

"I am not that high, Flo. I know who I called. Now quit letting me wait, the movie starts in twenty minutes." I check the time, still dumbfounded. It's four pm and Benji wants to go to the movies.

"Did I miss something? What movie? Did we make plans?" I'm about to feel really bad if I forgot about plans with him. I'm supposed to be organized.

"Nah. I just felt like watching the new Marvel movie and none of the guys have time for me. Don't tell me you'll make me go alone. I'd offer to pay for your popcorn but I'm broke. I'm begging you though," my friend whines. I groan inwardly, having wanted to finish the piece I'm working on but agree nonetheless. Maybe taking a break from drawing will enable me to look at the portrait from a new perspective later. Besides, going out with a friend on the weekend could be a nice change.

I promise Benji I'll be down in a minute and hang up on him. I change out of my pajamas at lightning speed, throwing on a sage skirt and white top before brushing my hair, rinsing my mouth, and washing my face.

Don't judge me for not having gotten ready, okay? I started drawing right after I woke up and haven't set it aside since. I'm just glad I took a shower and brushed my teeth this morning. Morning breath makes me uncomfortable.

Not wanting to let Benji wait any longer, I apply a bit of mascara and rush to the door.

"Took you long enough," my friend tells me though he doesn't seem very bothered.

"You wouldn't have had to wait if I had known I was going to leave the house earlier," I say a bit out of breath. "Sorry," I mumble as an afterthought.

"Why do you always do that?" When I look at my friend questioningly instead of answering, he elaborates. "Apologize for every little thing."

"Are you high?" I ask Benji with a laugh. I just now noticed his red eyes but I might be trying to change the topic as well. Truth is, many people have asked me the same question. I just never know how to respond.

My friend smiles goofily. "Maybe a little," he admits.

"Change seats with me then. I won't let you drive while you're under the influence."

"I drove here," he reminds me even as he unbuckles his seatbelt.

"Only because I wasn't there to stop it."

I refrain from giving him a lecture about how he's being irresponsible and a possible danger to himself and others and silently get in the driver's seat instead.


"That was awesome," Benji exclaims as we leave the cinema. I nod my head in agreement, trying hard to keep up with my friend's long strides. "I'm hungry. How do you feel about pizza?" He asks this so seriously, his eyes narrow as he sizes me up. I nearly burst out laughing.

"We just ate popcorn," I remind him though I could go for some greasy, cheesy pizza right now. I accidentally skipped breakfast and lunch, too focused on the portrait.

"Your point, woman?"

"Absolutely nothing. Lead the way." I'm not very familiar with the district we're in but Benji tells me there's a pizza place nearby. We sit in a cozy little restaurant less than ten minutes later.

"The guys are on their way over. Apparently, they'll show up as long as there's food. Traitors. Not that I blame them, the pizza here is to die for."

"You keep saying that but where is the actual proof? The smell alone in this place makes my mouth water," I whine.

We laugh and order the food only for Benji's friends to join us right when I'm supposed to take my first bite. The first thing I notice is that Elija is not with them. That triggers some disappointment but at least he won't see me eat like a starving pig.

"Hey flower girl," Jamie says. He sits on the bench next to me, throws one of his arms over my shoulders, and helps himself to a slice of my food. Before I realize what's happening, the blonde guy has his phone held up in front of our faces facebook-mom style.

"Say cheese!" is the only warning I get before he snaps the picture. All I had time to do was lift my own slice of pizza so my startled expression was hidden.

Jamie looks at the picture he took, obviously satisfied.

"It's cute. Look, guys." He shows the picture around and I realize the rest of his friends are making faces in the background. Good to know I'm the only one with a slow ass reaction.

"I'll put it on my story, righty?" he asks though I see him upload it before I've even had time to answer. Maybe I should be bothered but all it does is make me smile. I've never been posted before.

"Late night yesterday?" Liam asks. I turn my attention to him, reminding myself he's just a brat and that I don't care about his opinion. So what if I look tired without concealer? At least I don't deal out back-handed questions to bring others down.

"Sure," I reply with a smile.

"What'd you do, Lorence? Talk to your many friends? Do your books talk back? Is it more like a puppet show or a monologue?" Orion throws in there. I keep my back straight to refrain from sinking further into my seat. When did we vote on playing all-against-Florence?

"At least she knows how to read," Jamie tells his friend. I'm just glad they don't start chasing each other again.

I look at the rest of the guys to gauge their reactions. Marcus has a rather stoic expression but I see the hint of amusement playing behind those hazel eyes. Jamie looks perfectly content as he eats my food and teases his friend. Orion is glaring at Jamie, Liam is on his phone, the newest model of course, and Benji is devouring his pizza as if it were a matter of life and death.

Though considering the rate my slices are vanishing it might as well be.


Hi there:) it's a bit of a filler chapter but I hope u still enjoyed getting to know the guys a bit more. Have a lovely day<3

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