Panic flooded over me the moment my skates were on the ice and I felt my legs tense up immediately, grabbing out for the nearest sturdy surface.
"Yah, just grab onto me," Sunghoon let out a small laugh as he grabbed onto my arms and pulled me over to him, wrapping my arms around him himself, "there... the most stable thing you can hold onto."
"Physically or mentally?" I retorted and he let out a small gasp.
"Physically," he replied after a moment of realizing that sure enough did I diss him, but I surely also were right.
"How are standing so calmly, are you not losing your balance?" I questioned in disbelief as Sunghoon just let out a small laugh and nodded his head towards Narae and Jake.
Jake stood with his butt sticking out in the air, while having his hands pulled on by Narae. They sure were going very slow, but yet Jake continued to yell and scream out loud for it going too fast and begging for Narae to stop.
"I'm a bit more practiced than Jake, there," Sunghoon let out a small huff before a frown grew on his face, "how is he so bad...?"
"I sure hope he is more stable at his job than he is on his legs," I remarked and earned a small laugh from the support pole I was holding onto. Better known as Park Sunghoon.
"Come on, we gotta try and have you skate around," Sunghoon urged and tried to pry my arms off of him, only making me hold onto him even more, "as adorable as I find you right now you need to let go of me, Sieun."
"Why? I feel great right here," I hurriedly insisted making him let out a small laugh before finally succeeding in unlocking my handlock behind his back, resulting in him only holding onto my hands.
"Geez how strong are you," he complained with a small wince flashing across his face, "loosen your grip will you? You're stopping the bloodflow in my hands."
"At this rate I'm gonna have a heart attack if you don't give me something sturdy to hold onto," I hissed in return.
"We'll get you a penguin," he smiled widely as he let go of my hands and easily slid across the ice, far to fast for me to even grab onto him.
"PARK SUNGHOON GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" I yelled out, only getting a small laugh from him as he turned around, skating backwards while happily waving at me, "he's gonna be the death of me," I whispered in horror before realizing how many people were looking at me from my small outburts towards Sunghoon, just before.
From then on it felt like an eternity before Sunghoon was skating back towards me, a wide smile on his face as he pushed a small penguin in front of him, having two handles sticking out on each side of its head.
"This is your new best friend," Sunghoon introduced and happily stopped the penguin in front of me, "it's a skating aid. You just hold the handles and move forward."
"I'm too tall for it," I pointed out to him slowly, only earning a small laugh from him.
"Oh Sieun, you aren't too tall for anything," he remarked and sarcastically patted my head, while I simply glared at him, "come on, it'll be fun."
"What I don't do for you, honestly," I murmured and bent down a bit to grab onto the handles of the penguin.
"Now move your feet," Sunghoon urged and let out a small laugh as I slowly managed to push myself forward with the penguin, "exactly, and then when you feel secure enough just let go of the penguin and try for yourself."
I let out a small huff as Sunghoon skated in front of me and turned around so he was going backwards meanwhile just sending me an encouraging smile. Did he have any idea of how annoying he was right now? Oh he must've.
Oh how badly I wanted to wipe that shit eating grin off of his face. So without even hesitating I pushed the penguin away from me and straightened up. Suddenly convincing myself that I could in fact skate.
The moment I began pushing myself forward towards Sunghoon I immediately saw the ice nearing my face, as I tumbled down on the ice, earning a laugh from Sunghoon as I laid down on my back, letting out a deep sigh.
"I can do it," I murmured as I sat up and managed to get myself back up on my feet again, "I'm Jung fricking Sieun for Christ Sake. I can do it."
Pulling myself together I managed to get furthr in my skating this time. I know I most likely looked like a clumsy mess, but at least I got further than expected before my legs decided to portray me again. Sending me right back towards the ice once again.
"You gotta stop doing that," Sunghoon let out a small laugh as he quickly swooped an arm around my waist and pulled me up to stand straight beside him, "just slow down if you're gonna skate that fast."
"I was barely even moving!" I defended as he just nodded.
"Exactly my point," he added on.
"How are you so good at this anyways?" I grumbled as he bent down to my ear.
"Wanna hear a secret?" he whispered and I just hummed as I dusted off my pants from last time I fell, "this is what I wanted to do, not sit behind a stupid desk."
"Are you serious?" I immediately turned my head to look at him while he just nodded at me, "wait... really?"
"Mhm," he hummed with a small smile on his face, "and it clearly wasn't Jake's."
Sunghoon turned his head to look towards Narae and Jake, making me do the same just in time for us to watch Jake fall and eagerly pull onto Narae's arm. Pulling her down with him as he slid across the ice with her in tow.
"Oh my..." I muttered and tried to bite in my laugh at the ridiculous scene.
"They taught me a lot," Sunghoon admitted as Narae sat up while laughing hysterically, Jake doing the same once he saw how much Narae was laughing, "I want us to be like them."
"We can't be them," I shook my head at him making Sunghoon just glance down at me with a frown, "if I wanted to be like them I had found another Jake. But you know... I'm quite content with the broke college student Hoon I can pull out on dates, not to mention how smoking the CEO Park Sunghoon looks when he's working from home. There's a charm to it all."
As I turned my head to look at Sunghoon he was just quietly looking down at the ice, rubbing his lips with a few fingers while he let out a small laugh before shaking his head in disbelief.

The Maid | P.Sh
Fanfic"My son can be mean and cruel if he doesn't want someone to be around him. And he surely doesn't want a maid nor an assistant at the moment. But the house needs it, he needs it. He will not go easy on you." --- Started: Apr 30, 2021 Ended: Jul 7, 20...