Chapter 24

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Baku's POV

Sadly for myself I had woke up to my blaring alarm and the sun glaring in my eyes. I groaned turning off the alarm and dragging myself out of my bed, I went to wake up my boyfriends but with no avail the refused to get up. I sighed and walked into the bathroom to shower brush my hair and teeth and the rest of the fun jazzy things to get ready in the morning. After I had finally finished in my room Denki was up thank god one less person to have to wake up because I am not making another package of bacon just to get this lug of rocks out of bed. "Morning denks" I said giving him a quick kiss and continued on my search for something easy to make. "Good morning" He said smiling all full of energy "How are you so happy and bubbly this early in the morning?" I asked "Mm I'm not sure I JUST FEEL SO FULL OF LIFE" He basically yelled "Ok ok calm down or go yell in Eiji's ear because he seems to think that he is exempt from waking up and doing school" I said to him but all he did was nod and go over to the bed. I sighed once again settling on just making everybody an omelet. By the time I had plated the food and called the two of them over to eat denki was dragging a very clearly groggy Eijirou to come eat. "Oh look whos finally awake" I said sarcastically. "Yeah yeah whatever man just let me eat and get ready before you start with the sarcasm" He said. Surprisingly to all of us Eijirou Kirishima, the sunshine of class 1-A, the always positive of everybody, manliest man is not a morning person I know shocker right. I think that denki almost pissed himself when he found that out one morning.

"Great you finished let's go" I said kinda snappily like we where going to be late even though we wouldn't be, actually I think we might even be early. Not Iida early but definitely like Momo early. "Ok Ok I'm coming jeez." Eijirou said catching up to me and denki "Why are you so mean in the morning?" Denki asked him "I am not mean in the morning." Ei replied "You are almost as mean as Kitkat here" He said "See now I might not like the morning but I don't think that I would be able to be just as mean as The Katsuki Bakugou" He said almost like he as offended. "Hey don't sound so offended being The Katsuki bakugou is great thank you very much" I said. "Oh well I tried to tell you, one day you'll realize" Denki just shrugged. I smiled at the antics of my boyfriends. Soon enough we made it too class outside of those tall brown doors just on time, I rolled my eyes and walked into the class with my normal scowl, sat down at my desk out my feet up like I do every single morning here. And soon enough our loveable "dad" rolled into the room and started his lecture and what not.

"?"kamis POV"&"

I groaned internally as mr Aizawa said that we'd have a test soon. After he let us go study or whatever else we chose to do because he was just not having it as he said, I went scrolling on my phone. I went on the explore section of Webgram and I came across Pro Hero Mirikos Webgramm. I decided to go scrolling expecting to see a bunch of hawks and her pictures or like workout things. I was wrong. SO SO wrong. SHE'S MARRIED and well I don't know exactly who it is I'm like 83.910% sure that it was Midnight.

"Did you guys know that Midnight had a wife?" I asked the squad as we sat down for lunch "Yeah actually I saw her one day with her at a restaurant." Mina said "OH who is she?" I asked "Do you know the pro hero with a bunny quirk?" Mina asked "Miriko?" Kirishima said "BINGO" Mina said "That is adorable" Sero said "WHAT" I yelled "I thought that she was single or dating hawks... he's probably gay too though" I said "see that's a good point, nobody can be that much of a fuck boy all the time" Kats said shrugging "Is that why you have two boyfriends?" Sero asked teasingly. "You know what soysauce, you have no room to talk you are literally dating todoroki, deku and shinsou." Katsuki snapped back "I feel attacked personally. I take that as a personal attack" Sero said "Who is attacking you?" Todoroki asked his partner clearly concerned. You'd think that since he's been here for 2 years that he'd know sarcasm and jokes. "No amor nobody is attacking me" Sero informed him "Oh ok good, we'll be on the roof if you need us" Todoroki said walking away.

=-=-=-=-Third person POV=-=-=-=-=-

After class had ended the three boys went back to their dorm to do homework etc. As usual Bakugou cooked for them and they watched a movie cuddled on their bed before finishing the day and going to sleep. Though on this particular night none of them could fall asleep. "I know that you guys are probably asleep, but I want you to know that this has been the best year of my life. I don't think that I would've made it this far without you, and for that I am forever grateful. There isn't much else to say other than I love you I always will, and I hope you feel the same about me. Love you guys lots, sleep well" Kaminari had said unaware that the two boys were in fact awake "Of course we love you Denks, and we always will you changed our lives" Kirishima started "Exactly, you're our little pikachu" Bakugou said.

"And that was the story of how my parents fell in love, really aunty?" "Of course it is Aki would I lie to you? they told me themselves, and I know how proud they'd be of you right now just remember that Aki." Mina explained to her niece. "Alright thanks, aunty. Go get some rest I'll be back tomorrow and we can visit the whole squad"Aki smiled at her aunt "Ok sweetie you be safe now" Mina said walking away. "You would be so proud of your little girl" Mina said to herself as she passed a photo of the three boys and daughter, walking up the halls of her house, just remembering.



did you like it loves? I hope you did, this is sadly thee last chapter of this book. I do have others and new ones coming out. But for now I hope you enjoyed this one. I appreciate all of the love that this book got. You guys have no idea how happy it made me when I saw people actually reading it, or voting, adding it to your reading lists. So all in all, I hope you enjoyed this book and maybe we'll meet again hopefully soon. But till then,

XOXO yourfairyg4ymother <3

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