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After the death of his son, Prince Diallo traveled the world in search of the truths of the universe; of gods, of men, and of life and death. After many years of searching, he came upon a crumbled fountain in some ruins he had been exploring. He grew tired and slept. Everything went dark and the fountain spoke.

        Who sleeps by my side and what do you desire?

Astonished, the Prince answered

        I am Prince Diallo and I seek the truths of gods, of men, and of life and death.

The fountain replied

        You shall speak to the All-Father of this land and others and he will give you answers.

Prince found himself weightless, quickly floating into the sky and beyond until he was in the blackness, looking down on the sphere he calls home. The Universe turned him towards the sun, unblinded by its light, and sent him towards it. He felt no heat and no pain as he grew closer and closer. The sun spoke to him

        I am the All-Father of these lands before you. I offer the chance of life to those who are capable. I am the knower of many things and the holder of truths. Ask and you may receive.

Diallo spoke

        I am Prince Diallo and I seek the truths of gods, of men, and of life and death,

The All-Father responded

        I can give you these truths, but you must be warned that once you know them that you may not return to your land. Your judgement will come with the answers. Do you consent?

The Prince thought on what he had lost, his precious son and his only son. He replied

        I consent.

The All-Father replied

        Then go to my nine children, my eight and my son. Once you understand their teachings, you shall know the secrets that I withhold.

Once again, Prince found himself in the blackness being flung to the closest planet. He landed on its molten surface, rocks with rivers of lava. A giant figure made of rock, a titan, stood before him. It spoke

        I am Mercury, Hermes. It has been many years since Father sent someone to learn from me. I am not one with important knowledge to share. Either way, listen closely and allow me to impart knowledge onto you.

        Destruction is the way of the world. You mortal creatures build buildings taller and taller, but, in the end, it all turns to dust. Everything just crumbles and leaves, it's the way of time. I am done with you, now go to my sister and learn her lessons.

The next planet was yellow and stormy, lightning crashing everywhere. In the wind, a young woman walked up and spoke

        I am Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar. You are lucky to have caught me at home, I don't visit it very often. Listen closely and allow me to impart knowledge onto you.

        The real secret of life is to party and have fun. Let go of your troubles and worries and just dance your life away. It lets you become one moving body with others to be free. Take this knowledge to my sister.

Prince was taken away to his home, the earth, the green planet. He was alone in a forest when a creature approached. It had the head of a human, the scaled body of a fish, the green tail of a reptile, and the feet and wings of a bird. It spoke in a gentle voice

        Hello my child. I am your mother, Earth, Terra, Tellus, Gaia. Every living thing on this planet was birthed from the womb of my oceans. I've watched you change and become the greatness that you are. Listen closely and allow me to impart knowledge onto you.

Of Life, of Death, and of the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now